
   German English
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gen. go-go; into; on; to; in
econ. in damaged condition
| intelligence
construct. intelligence
usage | person
law, ADR body
or | thing
gen. thing
from which | intelligence
construct. intelligence
| information
IT cookie
clue | are
tech. are
obtained | A
 празäничная толпа
gen. festive crowd
| source
commun. IT transistor emitter
| is
med. insertion sequence
either | open
med. operating room
or secret depending | on
chem. Isophorone
whether | one
chem. Isophorone
can | name
gen. name
| it
tech. compressed asbestos fibre
or | not
agric. damaged
| without
abbr. w/o
running | the
tech. 1 unit of heat or megacalorie
risk of compromising | it
tech. compressed asbestos fibre
- only individual words found

preposition | noun | noun | abbreviation | to phrases
in prep.
gen. go-go; into; on; to
econ. in a damaged condition (a)
tech. at; in; included in
in ugs. : in Mode prep.
gen. in coll.: in fashion
 German thesaurus
Ins. n
mil. Insel (n)
In n
astr. Indium
el. Induktor
In. n
mil. Inspizient
mil., navy Inseln
IN abbr.
gen. Indien
in prep.
econ. ton
in. prep.
auto. inch
In intelligence usage, person or thing from which intelligence information/clue are obtained. A source is either open or secret, depending on whether one can name it or not, without running the risk of compromising it
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects
Materials science1
Trade unions4