
   German English
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 & Co.
gen. and company
mining. carbon monoxide; carbonic oxide gas
| operation
gen. operation; surgery
med. surgical procedure
gen. surgeries
econ. operational
Agreement | on a
 on a
econ. on a commercial scale
Civil | Global
gen. across the board
| Navigation
gen. navigation
| Satellite
gen. attribute
| System
gen. system
| between
abbr. bet.
| the
tech. 1 unit of heat or megacalorie
| European Community
 European Community
abbr. EC
| and
tech. steel industry
| its
med. intensive care unit
| Member
comp. member
| States
nucl.phys. unit.meas. stat
| and
tech. steel industry
| the
tech. 1 unit of heat or megacalorie
| State
nucl.phys. unit.meas. stat
of | Israel
gen. Israel
- only individual words found

to phrases
CO abbr.
mining. carbon monoxide; carbonic oxide gas
Co abbr.
gen. Compagnon (Mitinhaber); Compagnie (Handelsgesellschaft)
& Co. abbr.
gen. and company
 German thesaurus
CO abbr.
gen. Kolumbien
abbr., auto. Kohlenmonoxid (Александр Рыжов)
busin. cash order
Co abbr.
abbr., chem. Kobalt
Co. abbr.
abbr. Gesellschaft
co abbr.
abbr., engl. care of
abbr., plast. Cord-Typ
Co. abbr.
patents. Company
co. abbr.
abbr., BrE commercial
Co-operation: 1 phrase in 1 subject