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commun. HDLC checkpoint mode
| M
comp. M
med. morgan; morgan unit; genetic map unit; map unit
construct. evaporative tower; wet tower
med. micrometer; μm
| system
gen. system
- only individual words found

noun | noun | noun | abbreviation | to phrases
CP m
commun. HDLC checkpoint mode (ARQ procedure, sat)
 German thesaurus
CP abbr.
abbr. Christliche Pfadfinderschaft; Konservative Partei
abbr., bank., engl. commercial paper
abbr., ed. Credit Points, зачётные единицы (Brücke)
abbr., engl. Canadian Press; Conservative Party
abbr., med. Cerebralparese (Andrey Truhachev)
cp abbr.
abbr., el.chem. constant potential
abbr., energ.ind. spezifische Wärme bei konstantem Druck
abbr., engl. charter party
econ. charges prepaid
Cp abbr.
abbr. centipois; Centipoise
cP abbr.
abbr., meteorol. kontinentale Polarluft
abbr., plast. Centipoise
Cp m
engin., abbr. spezifische Wärme bei konstantem Druck (kcalkg ° С)
cP m
polym. Zentipoise
CP abbr.
abbr., med. chronische Pankreatitis (Andrey Truhachev)
CPS abbr.
abbr., BrE cps
CP abbr.
abbr., BrE Content Provider
abbr., plast. Cellulosepropionat
aerodyn. centre of pressure, Druckmittelpunkt
astr. Cambridge Pulsar
avia. centre of pressure
nucl.phys., abbr., BrE Chikago Pile
polym. Zellulosepropionat
radio Anruf an mehrere Funkstellen
railw. Companhia dos Caminhos de ferro portugueses
sail. Zypern
tech. Cellulosepropinat
CP /M system
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Information technology1