
Arabic-Swedish dictionary  
Subject Number of entries
Accumulators 376
Antennas and waveguides 2.042
Automatic control 270
Book binding 4
Cables and cable production 502
Computer networks 500
Electric machinery 804
Electric motors 944
Electric traction 1.486
Electrical engineering 522
Electricity generation 1.022
Electronics 4.180
Environment 11.204
General 22.125
Isolation 988
Lighting other than cinema 1.854
Magnetics 1.184
Mathematics 3.878
Metrology 210
Microsoft 19.548
Physics 910
Power electronics 466
Power lines 1.048
Power system protection 694
Printed circuit boards 64
Radio 2.770
Radiobiology 504
Radiology 1.406
Rail transport 796
Reliability 102
Satellite communications 352
Semiconductors 682
Sound recording 794
Statistics 3.782
Telecommunications 1.126
Telegraphy 1.354
Telephony 492
Thermal Energy 1.184
Transformers 422
Vacuum tubes 1.278
Video recording 134
Welding 284
Wind Energy 198
Total: 94.485