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comp., MS mexic. proxy
IMF. mandato; procuración
inet. apoderado; proxy
IT servidor cache
law fin. poder
patents. poder general
stat. aproximación; cálculo por aproximación
| web
ed. Red
de Respondedor | en
IT dat.proc. en
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to phrases
proxy ['prɔksɪ] n
comp., MS, mexic. proxy f (A computer (or the software that runs on it) that acts as a barrier between a network and the Internet by presenting only a single network address to external sites)
dat.proc. servidor intermediario
inet. apoderado m; proxy f
IT servidor cache
law, fin. poder m
meteorol. alternativa f; indicador m; sustituto m
patents. poder general
stat., fin. variable sustitutiva
proxy n. ['prɔksɪ] n
stat. aproximación; cálculo por aproximación; valor aproximado; medida supletoria; medida indirecta; variable auxiliar; variable de sustitución; variable de reemplazo; variable representativa; indicadores supletorios; mandatario m
proxy power of attorney ['prɔksɪ] n
IMF. mandato m; procuración
 English thesaurus
proxy ['prɔksɪ] abbr.
abbr. proxy server (ssn); procuracy
comp., MS Proxy (A computer (or the software that runs on it) that acts as a barrier between a network and the Internet by presenting only a single network address to external sites); Proxy (A service, process, or file that allows the computer to serve as an interface device between a remote system and the Internet. Common uses of a proxy are to send unsolicited (spam) email)
PROXY ['prɔksɪ] abbr.
abbr., el. a PC software package for proximity correction; proximity correction
proxy web: 2 phrases in 1 subject