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del [dεl] n
law convenio m; fichero de información; fijación
 English thesaurus
DELS abbr.
abbr., el. direct electrical linkage system
DEL [dεl] abbr.
abbr. Data Evaluation Laboratory; Dean of English Language; Delaware; delineation; design exposure limit (fruit_jellies)
abbr., auto. diesel electric locomotive
abbr., avia. defletion (Interex); delay; diagram equipment list
abbr., busin. deliver
abbr., comp. Delete Character (Vosoni); Direct Electronic Library (Vosoni); Direct Executed Language (Vosoni)
abbr., earth.sc. disassembly of electrical line; discharge exceedance level; dose equivalent limits
abbr., el. data entry language; delete key; directly executed language
abbr., health. DNA-encoded library (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., IT Delete; direct execution language; delete (ASCII character)
abbr., med. Delivery; Delusion
abbr., mil. Departmental Expenditure Limit; Deployment Equipment List; deployable equipment list
abbr., nautic. New Delhi, India
abbr., oil dielectric log; digital communication link
abbr., scottish Direct Exchange Line
abbr., space deorbit, entry, and landing
abbr., st.exch. Deltic Timber Corporation
abbr., telecom. dual in-line
abbr., tradem. Dolphin Energy, Ltd.
airports, avia. Delhi, India
comp. digital exchange line
tech. delay message; deluge; donor energy level
USA Deletion
del [dεl] abbr.
abbr. delayed (Vosoni); delegate; delegation; deliberate; delivered; delivery
abbr., earth.sc. deluvial-eluvial
agric. delay (ed)
del. abbr.
abbr. delay; delayed; delivered; delivery
abbr., commer. delinquent; deliver
abbr., libr. delete; deletion
Del. abbr.
abbr. Delaware Reports; Delaware
Del [dεl] abbr.
abbr. Delaware
DeL [dεl] abbr.
abbr. Department of Labor; Department of Labour
Del [dεl] abbr.
lat. Delphinus (the Dolphin, Дельфин Vosoni)
: 19 phrases in 5 subjects
Animal husbandry2