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Una indagacion | legal
gen. judicial; juridico; legal
patents. por la ley; legítimo
| para
chem. para-
descubrir | y
chem. bifurcación; bifurcación en Y; símbolo que designa admitancia en las expresiones matemáticas
conectar los hechos | con
agric. llevar la derrota
respecto | a
gen. alguien
cierto asunto
- only individual words found

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
 English thesaurus
UNA ['ju:nə] abbr.
abbr. United Nations Association of the USA; Universal Network Architecture; use no abbreviations
abbr., avia. unable
abbr., comp., net., IT Uniqueness Of Names Assumption
abbr., ed., scient. University of North Alabama
abbr., el. unattended answering accessory; universal network access; universal night answering
abbr., math., scient. Unique Names Assumption
abbr., med. Utah Nurses Association
abbr., physiol. urea nitrogen appearance (Игорь_2006)
abbr., scottish Ukraine National Assembly
abbr., st.exch. UNova, Inc.
UNAS abbr.
abbr., mil. Universal Network Architecture Services
abbr., org.name. United Nations Accounting Standards
UNA ['ju:nə] abbr.
abbr., IT upstream neighbor's address
Una: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Name of organization1