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 English thesaurus
RAL abbr.
abbr. Rapid Anticipation Loan; Refund Anticipation Loan; Richmond Animal League, Richmond, VA; Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK; Radio Annoyance Level; Riverband Acoustical Laboratory; Rutherford and Appleton Laboratories
abbr., auto. rear axle load
abbr., avia. Riverside Municipal Airport, Riverside, California USA
abbr., busin. regular air line
abbr., chem. resorcylic acid lactone
abbr., comp., net., IT Ranap Adaptation Layer
abbr., dentist. right-angle long friction grip (MichaelBurov); right-angle long shank (MichaelBurov)
abbr., drug.name Raltegravir
abbr., el. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory; radar-aimed laser; ram airbreathing laser; rapid access loop; remote analog loopback
abbr., environ. Robert A Leskovec
abbr., fin. Rapid Access Line; Reserve Augmentation Line
abbr., fr., space Revue d'Aptitude au Lancement (launch readiness review)
abbr., IT Random Access Linkage
abbr., math., scient. RDF ALgebra
abbr., oil right and left
abbr., pharm. raltegravir (ралтегравир Dimpassy)
abbr., space radial alarm limit
abbr., st.exch. Ralston Purina Company; Rydex Asset Level
mil. reenlistment allowance; remote area landing; responsibility assignment list
tech. radio astronomy laboratory; remote analytical laboratory