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gen. enterrar
| American
gen. americano; norteamericano
fin. americanos; estadounidense
polit. estadounidense; estadounidense
real.est. habitante de los Estados Unidos de América
| Convention
environ. convenio
| against
gen. contra
| the
gen. el
| Illegal
law ilegal
| Manufacturing
polit. industrias manufactureras
| of
gen. ante
| and
gen. e
| Trafficking
gen. tráfico ilegal
| in
gen. adentro
| Firearms
health. arma de fuego
- only individual words found

verb | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
inter- v
bot. inter-
inter ['ɪntə] adj.
gen. enterrar
 English thesaurus
inter. abbr.
abbr. international; interrogation
abbr., electric. interrupter
abbr., libr. interleave; interrogation mark
polym. intermediate
INTER ['ɪntə] abbr.
abbr., avia. interior
abbr., busin. internal; interrupt
abbr., mil., avia. intermediate
meteorol. intermittent variations
inter ['ɪntə] abbr.
abbr. interphone; interrogation
inf. intermediate examination
Inter ['ɪntə] abbr.
abbr. intermittent (Leonid Dzhepko)
inf. Internationale
Inter-American Convention against the Illegal Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms: 1 phrase in 1 subject