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pharma. Statut socio-économique
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pharma. Statut socio-économique
 English thesaurus
SES ['esi:'es] abbr.
abbr., avia. Earth station; satellite Earth station; secondary engine start; solar eclipse sensor; solar environmental simulator; stored energy system; strategic engineering survey; supplier equipment specification; support equipment summary; system engineering service
abbr., econ. single economic space (MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. same edge skew; scanning electron stereomicroscope; secondary electron scattering; send sequence error; signaling equipment subsystem; slave earth station; small earth station; Societe Européenne des Satellites; software engineering standard; source end system; space environment simulator; special exchange service; special exposure shutter; standard environmental software; system engineering support; system external storage
abbr., file.ext. Session info (Clarion Modula-2)
abbr., logist. Special Equipment Surcharge
abbr., med. sodium dichlorophenoxyethyl sulfate
abbr., mil. senior executive service
SES ['esi:'es] abbr.
abbr. Search Engine Strategies Conference; Service Expansion Shelf; Smile Empty Soul; Social Economic Status; Socio Economic Security; Socio Economic Status; Space Engineering Spacecraft; State Emergency Service; Sylvester Elementary School; Safety Evaluation System (терминология компании Nissan Nessel); Sales Effectiveness System; Sanitarium Epidemic Station; Security Enabling Services (IBM); Selma, Alabama USA; Sensor Employment Squadron; Severely Errored Seconds (DS1/E1); Societe European Des Satellites; Society of Engineers and Scientists; socio-economic status (Vosoni); socioeconomic status; sodium ethyl sulphate; south-east-south (southeast south); Standards Engineers' Society; Suffield Experimental Station; Softcopy Exploitation System; Soil Erosion Service; Solar Energy Society; Studies and Expansion Society; Suicide Euro Squad; Surface Effects Ship; Sux Extra Shit; Systems Engineering Study
abbr., astronaut. Ship Earth Stations; Societe Europeenne des Satellites
abbr., auto. service engine soon (replaced with MIL)
abbr., avia. SES initiative (MichaelBurov); Single European Sky (MichaelBurov); Single European Sky initiative (MichaelBurov); Single European Sky program (MichaelBurov); Single European Sky project (MichaelBurov); special emergency services (MichaelBurov); specialty emergency services (MichaelBurov); software executor system; system electrical schematic
abbr., bus.styl. Stakeholder Engagement Standard (MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem. sodium dichlorophenoxyethyl sulphate
abbr., clin.trial. safety evaluation set (Игорь_2006)
abbr., comp., net. Smart Energy System; Source End Station
abbr., earth.sc. Science and Education Service; seagrass ecosystem study; spectral expert system; spent etching solution; Swedish Engineers' Society; system entity structure
abbr., EBRD special evaluation study (raf)
abbr., ed. Student Electronic Services
abbr., ed., scient. Student Enhancement Services
abbr., el., scient. Secondary Electron Spectroscopy
abbr., electr.eng. solar electrical photovoltaic system
abbr., environ. Smart Energy Selection
abbr., inet. Search Engine Safe
abbr., IT Session info; Severe Errored Seconds; SCSI Enclosure Services; severely errored seconds; Strategic Engineering Support
abbr., med. Sick Euthyroid Syndrome; Society Of Eye Surgeons; Socioeconomic Status; Spatial Emotional Stimulus; Sphenoethmoidal Suture; Subendothelial Space; Sirolimus stent (MichaelBurov); Sirolimus-eluting stent (MichaelBurov)
abbr., mil. Senior Executive Service; Special Elite Soldiers; Surface Effect Ship
abbr., O&G Saipem (MichaelBurov); Saipem Energy Services S.p.A. (MichaelBurov); Saipem Energy Services SPA (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Sattelite Earth Station; Specification for engineering specialties
abbr., O&G, sakh. Sanitary & Epidemiological Station; sanitary and epidemic services; standard engineering specification
abbr., O&G. tech. Solid Expandable System (smartgal)
abbr., oil sanitary and epidemiological station; South-East Sumatra (Kenny Gray); Scientific Exploration Society; side entry sub; Society of Engineering Science; south-east-south; structure modified by an erosional surface; surface energy source
abbr., pharma. self-emulsifying system (самоэмульгирующаяся система Min$draV)
abbr., physiol. Swinging Eye Syndrome
abbr., post Shared Energy Savings program (2006)
abbr., progr., IT Scsi Enclosure Services
abbr., qual.cont. Standard Engineers Society
abbr., scottish Secure Equipment System; Senior Estate Surveyor; Ship's Earth Station; Software Exploitation Segment (JSIPS)
abbr., space shuttle engineering simulator; shuttle engineering system; signal encrypt system; solar environment simulator; space environment simulation
abbr., st.exch. Stock Exchange of Singapore
abbr., tradem. Symantec Enterprise Solutions
abbr., transp. Service Engine Soon
comp. ship earth station; synchronous errored second
mil. satellite earth station; sonar echo simulator; Sprint engagement simulation; supervisory electronics specialist
tech. safety evaluation supplement; severely errored second; single energy store; small earth stations; standards engineers society; steam electric station; surface-effect ship
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
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