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avia. Canada tech. rôle CAATS
cinema role
comp., MS rôle; rôle
mil. logist. rôle
semiot. actanciel; actantiel
work.fl. gen. indicateur de rôle
de la presidence | dans
met. cuffat à eau
la | representation
IT présentation
| de
med. équivalent en dextrose
| l
tech. mech.eng. berceau
| Union
engl. Union
- only individual words found

to phrases
role [rəul] n
avia., Canada, tech. rôle CAATS
cinema role m
comp., MS rôle m (A set of software programs that, when installed and properly configured, allows a computer running a Windows Server operating system to perform a specific function for multiple users or other computers within a network); rôle m (A set of software programs that, when installed and properly configured, allows a computer running a Windows Server operating system to perform a specific function for multiple users or other computers within a network)
mil., logist. rôle m
semiot. actanciel; actantiel
work.fl. indicateur de rôle
theta Θ-role n
ling. rôle thématique; thêta-rôle m
 English thesaurus
role [rəul] n
mil., logist. Function that a commander intends to entrust to a subordinate within the framework of his scheme of maneuver. (FRA)
ROLE [rəul] abbr.
abbr., ed. Read Once And Learn Everything
abbr., law Rules Of Law Enforcement
abbr., scottish Receive Only Link Eleven (UK)
rôle de: 4 phrases in 1 subject