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il faudrait que nous nous reunissions | plus
astr. plus
comp. signe d'addition; signe plus; plus
construct. refus de crible
patents. ce qu’on donne par-dessus le marché; extra; supplément
transp. engl. plus
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 English thesaurus
IL [-il] abbr.
abbr. ASAS; Illinois; inclined ladder; instruction leaflet; ignition loss; Industrial Laboratories; latching current
abbr., agric. infectious laryngotracheitis
abbr., AI. imitation learning (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., auto. intensity level
abbr., automat. intermediate language; intermediate lexicon
abbr., avia. instrumentation landing
abbr., bot., scient. Inoculated Leaf
abbr., BrE infantry of the line
abbr., busin. illustration; Industrial List
abbr., cables insertion loss (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp., net. interface loop
abbr., ed. Interest Level
abbr., ed., scient. Ivy League
abbr., el. identification leader; illuminating lamp; implementation language; incoherent light; independent line; individual line; inductive learning; injection locked; injection luminescent (diode); instruction list; integral linearity; interferometric lithography; interlocking; international line; interpretive language; inversion layer; ion laser; isolated line; interlaced
abbr., el., scient. Inner Lead
abbr., electr.eng. idle; independent loads; indicating light; insertion loss; insulation level
abbr., energ.ind. invert level (for pipes MichaelBurov)
abbr., file.ext. Inline expansion file (Fortran 90)
abbr., inet. Internet Literacy
abbr., IT hDC Designer Icon Lin Dll format; isoplanar injection integrated logic
abbr., libr. in library
abbr., Makarov. influence line; initial loading
abbr., med. Immature Lung; independent laboratory; insensible weight loss; interleucin
abbr., mil. Lightweight Computer Unit; intermediate location
abbr., mil., avia. Iceland
abbr., mil., WMD Instrument list
abbr., nano imprint lithography; imprinting lithography
abbr., O&G, sakh. induction log (ging)
abbr., oil induction log; induction logging; import licence; indexed list; indicator lamp; induction laterolog; in line; interlinear; interpretative language; Iranian light
abbr., physiol. Ilio-Lumbar
abbr., physiol., med. Ilio-lumbar
abbr., polit. Israel
abbr., progr. Instruction List (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., railw. intervention limit
abbr., scottish Illinois (US state)
abbr., space impact load
abbr., sport. inside left; interleukin
abbr., zool. intromission latency (Min$draV)
invest., abbr. information language
mil., abbr. identification list; including loading; incoming letter; index list; indication lamp; initial line; inside layer; instrumentation laboratory
tech., abbr. import license; indicating lamp; information lag; injection luminescent; inside length; insulator; interstellar laser
Il [-il] abbr.
abbr. ilmenite; interleukin
med. Il (الإلينيوم)
mil. Ilyushin (Soviet aircraft manufacturer)
il. abbr.
abbr. illustration
abbr., earth.sc. illustrated
abbr., libr. illustrator
il [-il] abbr.
abbr. illustrated
avia. instrument landing
Il [-il] abbr.
abbr. Illinium
: 7 phrases in 3 subjects
Natural sciences1