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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
charge [ʧɑ:ʤ] n
gen. donner la charge; chef d'accusation (of indictment)
bank. agio m; prime f; incrimination f
chem. fournée f; jeu m; assortiment m; dépot m; sédiment m; trait m (petite quantité); trame f; virole f; alimentation f; chargement m (four); charge f (of the furnace, du four); revêtement m; garniture f; insertion f; gueulard m; gueule f
coal. charge à cokéfier; mélange de cokéfaction
coal., met. mélange à enfourner
comp. charge f; taux m
construct. tâche f; mission f; honoraire
energ.ind., el. charge de combustible
footb. repousser
grass.hock. changer m
IMF. commissions, FMI
industr., construct., met. charge du mélangeur
law chef d'accusation; exposé au jury; exposé du juge au jury
met. charge du four; matières à fondre; charge f (de fourneau)
pack. remplissage m; cargaison f; fardeau m; faix m; mettre en tas; verser (déverser); jeter; chargement m (of a mould, d'un moule); expédier m; embarquer
patents. accuser; inculper
telecom. redevance f (billing); taxe f (billing); tarif m (billing); charger m (action); charge f (load)
UN, weap. une charge
charges n
fin., industr. frais de consommation
charge! n
gen. à l'assaut!
charge to charge (costs) to a project [ʧɑ:ʤ] n
UN, sl., drug. imputer des coûts à un projet
charge cost [ʧɑ:ʤ] n
welf. coût m
charge [ʧɑ:ʤ] v
comp. remplir; compléter; garnir
charges v
gen. charges
arts. dépenses
fin. taxes; charge
fin., IT frais
market. débit
charging ['tʃɑːdʒɪŋ, 'tʃɑːrdʒɪŋ] v
commun. enregistrement du prêt
commun., IT imputation; taxation
econ., commun. tarification
fin., commun. taxe
fin., polit., tax. imposition
industr., construct., met. chargement; enfournement
met., el. enfourner
charging coking ['tʃɑːdʒɪŋ, 'tʃɑːrdʒɪŋ] v
met. enfournement
charge [ʧɑ:ʤ] adj.
agric., industr., construct. chargement de séchage; lot de séchage
chem. enfournement
coal., met. pâte; pâte à coke
commun. inscription du prêt
comp., MS frais (The incidental cost of product acquisition or product delivery)
construct. gâchée
econ. accusation
fin., commun. taxation; taxe
fin., tax. redevance
forestr., wood. lot
industr., construct., met. mélange vitrifiable; composition; composition d'un mélange; composition du mélange; mélange; enfournement unitaire
interntl.trade. imposition
law acte d'accusation; péage d'eau; acte de charge; inculpation
met. lit de fusion; chargement
met., el. alimenter; charger; enfourner
patents. fonction
stat., fin. droit
tech., engl. charge
to charge [ʧɑ:ʤ] adj.
gen. imputer
fin. grever
industr., construct., met. enfourner
med. charger
transp., el. mettre sous tension
to charge additional fee [ʧɑ:ʤ] adj.
patents. percevoir surtaxe
charge verb; reactor [ʧɑ:ʤ] adj.
gen. charger réacteur
to charge rates [ʧɑ:ʤ] adj.
transp. appliquer prix
 English thesaurus
charge [ʧɑ:ʤ] abbr.
abbr., auto. CHA/cha
abbr., mining. chge
abbr., oil annual capital
abbr., polym. cge
energ.ind., abbr. q
law accusation; indictment; In criminal law, each thing the defendant is accused of.
mil., abbr. ch; chg; chrg
mil., logist. A given quantity of explosive, either in bulk or contained in a bomb, a projectile, a mine or similar device, or used as a propellant. 2. A quantity of explosive prepared for demolition purposes. Related terms. booster; cratering charge; inert filling; primed charge; priming charge; shaped charge. (FRA)
charges abbr.
abbr. cghs (Vosoni)
abbr., econ. chges (Seregaboss); chrg (Andrey Truhachev)
insur., abbr. ch
tech., abbr. chrs
CHARGE [ʧɑ:ʤ] abbr.
abbr., med. Coloboma, Heart Disease, Atresia Choanae, Retarded Growth And Retarded Development And/or CNS Anomalies, Genital Hypoplasia, And Ear Anomalies And/or Deafness (syndrome)
abbr., psychiat. Childhood Autism Risks from Genetics and the Environment (igisheva)
Charges abbr.
abbr., insur. chgs
charge complète
: 2 phrases in 1 subject