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polit. Capital
gen. lettre majuscule
arts. capitale
commun. grande capitale
econ. market. actif total
fin. capital
industr. construct. chapiteau
law capital social
market. capital individuel
| non
commer. roduit ne relevant pas du mandat des
| verse
ling. strophe
- only individual words found

to phrases
capital ['kæpɪtl] n
gen. lettre majuscule (letter); le capital
arts. capitale f
build.struct. tête de la colonne
commun. grande capitale
construct. chapiteau m (of a column); principal m
econ., market. actif total
fin. capital
IMF. actif net (général); fonds propres; situation nette; patrimoine m (Particuliers.); patrimoine net
industr., construct. chapiteau m
law capital social
market. capital individuel
tech. chef-lieu m; majuscule lettre
capitals n
astr. majuscules f (majuscules); capitales f (majuscules)
Capital ['kæpɪtl] n
polit. Capital
 English thesaurus
capital ['kæpɪtl] abbr.
abbr. cap (Vosoni)
CAPITAL ['kæpɪtl] abbr.
abbr. Capital Area Partnership Impacting Tobacco And Lifestyles; Clients And Professionals In Training And Learning
abbr., ed., scient. Center For Advanced Partnerships In Technology And Learning
capital non: 10 phrases in 5 subjects