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RCT abbr.
abbr. Return Channel Terrestrial; Railroad Commission of Texas; Really Crooked Twits; Reference Cluster Tool; Riverdale, Calumet, & Thornton; RollerCoaster Times newsletter; radio conformance test; resolver control transformer
abbr., agric. red colloidal test
abbr., AI. Reflection CT
abbr., auto. radiator coolant temperature
abbr., avia. Consignment received from a given flight (Christine_A); rear center tank; repair correctional time
abbr., biotechn. randomized controlled trials
abbr., clin.trial. Randomized clinical trial (irinaloza23); randomized controlled trial (iwona); randomized control trial
abbr., commun. Real-time Car Tracking
abbr., comp., net. rapid cloud transmission
abbr., dentist. root canal treatment (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. rapidly changing turbulent
abbr., el. radiobeacon calibration transmitter; receive channel tester; remote computer terminal; remote control terminal; routing control task; reverse-conducting thyristor
abbr., electr.eng. reverse conducting thyristor
abbr., file.ext. Region Control Task; Resource Template (Microsoft Developer Studio)
abbr., IT resource control table; Requirement of Complete Testability
abbr., lab.eq. Randomized Controlled Trial
abbr., level. Radar Configuration Tool (Метран)
abbr., med. Randomized Controlled Trials; radiochemotherapy (inspirado); randomized controlled clinical trial (MichaelBurov); randomized controlled trial (РКИ, рандомизированное контролируемое исследование kat_j); rotator cuff tear; Registered Clinical Teacher; Rorschach Content Test
abbr., mil. Regimental Combat Team; rescue coordination team (Navy)
abbr., mil., WMD reagent change tank
abbr., O&G, casp. ready for custody transfer (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, karach. radial cutting touch (Rigless & WireLine Aiman Sagatova)
abbr., oil reinforced-concrete pipe; Rubber Chemistry and Technology
abbr., oncol., med. Randomised Controlled Trial
abbr., physiol. Rectum Cracking Time; Root Canal Treatment
abbr., post Rigid Captive Tray (USPS FSS video, 2008)
abbr., scottish Radar Crew Trainer; Remote Communications Terminal; Royal Corps of Transport (Now RLC (UK))
abbr., space reaction control thruster
abbr., st.exch. Roller Coaster Tycoon
abbr., tech. risk contribution tree
mil. radar control trailer; radio-beacon calibration transmitter; radio-controlled target; regimental combat team; regimental control team; reliability confidence test; remote control; repair cycle time; reverse cycle training; roll call training
tech. reactor coolant temperature; remotely controlled telescope; response coordination team; rework/completion tag
rct abbr.
abbr. recruit; recruitment
abbr., mil. receipt RCT
rcts abbr.
abbr. receipt (s Vosoni)
Rct. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. recruit
abbr., expl. rectificatus
Rct abbr.
abbr. receipt
RCTs abbr.
abbr., med. randomized clinical trials
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Measuring instruments1