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 English thesaurus
FLA abbr.
abbr. Florida; Form Of Living Alien; Full Load Amperage; Future Large Aircraft; Fat Ladies Arms; Fellow of the Library Association; FLAke; Flash Flood watch Alert; Foreign Launch Assessment; full load amp (Yuliya13); full-load amperes; field-level agreement; free-living amoeba infections (coltuclu); Full Load Amps (vlad-and-slav); FLA (Full Load Amperes) Полная нагрузка (амперы zsmith)
abbr., avia. forward looking aft; future large airlifter
abbr., bible.term., scient. Foothills Library Association
abbr., biol. frontolaeva anterior
abbr., busin. free luggage allowance
abbr., chem. Flammable limits in air (Пределы возгораемости/воспламеняемости в воздухе Karabas)
abbr., el. fiber laser amplifier; filter lens analyzer; floating-point arithmetic; folded-longitudinal acoustic mode
abbr., el., scient. Fully Loaded Amps
abbr., file.ext. Four Letter Acronym
abbr., IT Flexible Local Architecture
abbr., med. Fluorescent-labeled Antibody (fetal Position); Left Frontoanterior (fetal Position)
abbr., med., lat. fiat lege artis
abbr., mil. Flight Article; Front Line Ambulance
abbr., mil., avia. flash lamp annealing
abbr., O&G final land allocation (MichaelBurov); Fluid Loss Additives (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Final Land Allocation
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. final land acquisition
abbr., O&G, sakh. fluid loss additive
abbr., oil FLAC or FLC-A fluid-loss additive; average flux leakage of pads; Ferry Lake anhydrite; full load amperes
abbr., org.name. Rappresentanti FAO in America latina e Caraibi; FAO Representation in Latin America and the Caribbean
abbr., physiol., med. Flake
abbr., scient. Flash Flood Alert
abbr., securit. Futures Industry Association
abbr., st.exch. Florida East Coast Industries
airports, avia. Florencia, Colombia
energ.ind. four-letter acronym
mil. family lodging allowance; flight article
Fla. abbr.
abbr. Florida Reports; Florida
Fla abbr.
cartogr. Florida