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econ. Euro
gen. Euro; Bergkänguruh
comp., MS Euro
mamm. Berggroßkänguruh; Bergkänguruh
| Mediterranean
gen. südländisch; mediterran
environ. Mittelmeer
| aviation
gen. Flugsport
| agreement
gen. Abkommen
| between
gen. dazwischen
| the European Community
 the European Community
gen. die Europäische Gemeinschaft
| and
gen. sowie
| its
tech. ihr
| Member States
 member states
gen. Mitgliedsstaaten
| of the
 of the
gen. vom
| o
gen. null
- only individual words found

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
euro ['ju(ə)rə(u)] n
gen. Euro m (Währung); Bergkänguruh n
comp., MS Euro m (A currency used in a number of European Union countries)
mamm. Berggroßkänguruh n (Macropus robustus); Bergkänguruh n (Macropus robustus)
Euro ['ju(ə)rə(u)] n
econ. Euro m (Währungscode in einer Zollanmeldung)
euros ['ju:rəus] n
gen. Euro m
 English thesaurus
EURO ['ju(ə)rə(u)] abbr.
abbr. Eurotech, LTD.; Regional Office for Europe
abbr., busin. Europe
abbr., earth.sc. Association of European Operational Research Societies
abbr., med. European Regional Organization (office)
Euro ['ju(ə)rə(u)] abbr.
abbr. European
Euro ['ju(ə)rə(u)] abbr.
abbr., commer. Eurodollar
Euro. abbr.
abbr., econ. Europe
Euro-Mediterranean aviation agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the
: 1 phrase in 1 subject