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Du hattest nichts damit | zu
gen. z
| tun
gen. Maischbottich
brit. Tonne
chem. Wanne; Bütte; Küpe
construct. Schornstein
industr. construct. Fuderfass
- only individual words found

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
 English thesaurus
DU abbr.
abbr. dependable undertaking (ssn)
Du abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Upper Devonian
Du. abbr.
abbr. Dutch
DU abbr.
abbr. Desktop Underwriter; Dimwitted Underling
abbr., avia. disconnect unit; driving unit
abbr., bank. drive-up (см. DU ATM, или drive-up ATM Samura88)
abbr., chem. diazouracil
abbr., comp. disc unit
abbr., comp., IT Disk Unit
abbr., comp., net., IT University of Denver
abbr., earth.sc. dunite
abbr., ed., scient. University of Dhaka
abbr., el. demultiplexing unit; digital unit; dispersion-unshifted
abbr., electr.eng. CY duty cycle; dangerous undetected (перевод буквальный dimakan)
abbr., forestr. Dobson Unit
abbr., IT Data Unit; Disk Used
abbr., meteorol. Dermal Ulcer; Single dose (Dosis Única Михай ло); dulaglutide (iwona); daily urine; density unknown; deoxyuridine; desinfection unit; duodenal ulcer
abbr., mil. Death Unit; depleted uranium (обедненный уран; (highly radioactive and dangerous substance) The U.S. military uses tank armor and some bullets made with depleted uranium (DU) to penetrate enemy armored vehicles, and began using DU on a large scale during the 1990-1991 Gulf War Taras); depleted uranium armor
abbr., O&G, sakh. delivery unit
abbr., oil depth unit; duty cycle
abbr., phys., scient. Durability
abbr., physiol., med. Diagnosis Undetermined
abbr., polit. Democratic Underground
abbr., progr. data unit (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Disk Utility
abbr., proj.manag. duration
abbr., qual.cont. discrepant unit
abbr., scottish Detector Unit
abbr., soil. duripan phase; dunefield
abbr., space desired-to-undesired signal ratio
abbr., traf. dwelling unit
abbr., water.suppl. Distribution Uniformity
mil. distribution unit
mil., abbr. delay unit; dismounted unit; display unit; documentation unit
mil., UN depleted uranium
ocean., nautic., scient. Dobson unit
tech., abbr. display, upper; duplex
Du abbr.
abbr. Dutch
abbr., med. dog unit
du abbr.
abbr. diagnosis undetermined
: 37 phrases in 9 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution2
Criminal law1
Social science1