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 English thesaurus
ASF abbr.
abbr. Agronomic Science Foundation; Alabama Shakespeare Festival; Acclaim Skeletal File; ACE strike file; Active Server File; Aeromedical Staging Facility; Airborne Special Forces; Alaskan Sea Frontier; Alerting Standard Forum; Algebraic Specification Formalism; All-Source Format; Allied Snipers Forum; Alt Seduction Fast; Alternating Sequential Filter; American Schizophrenia Foundation; American Spray Fibers; American Stock Exchange; Apostolic Statement Of Faith; Architecture Simulation Framework; Arctan Script File; Army Special Forces; Army Support Facility; Arrowhead Sale Facility; Assassination Special Forces; Automatic Sheet Feeder; antisubmarine frigate; alternative splicing factor; alternate splicing factor
abbr., agric. African pig plague (MichaelBurov); African swine fever (MichaelBurov); Montgomery swine flu (MichaelBurov); Pestis africana suum (MichaelBurov); ASP (MichaelBurov)
abbr., auto. aluminium space frame
abbr., avia. Authorized Service Facility (sankozh); additional secondary phase factor; aircraft servicing flight; auto-start flag; additional secondary factor; accelerometer scale factor; aircraft services flight; application support facilities; arrival stream filter; as follows ...; auto-slat failure; auto start flag; atmospheric science facility; avionics simulation facility
abbr., bot., scient. Alert Standard Format
abbr., busin. ampere per square foot
abbr., cem. alt fuel (MichaelBurov); alternative fuel (MichaelBurov); alternative source of fuel (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp., net. automatic sheet feed
abbr., earth.sc. Alaska SAR Facility (University of Alaska Fairbanks); ammonium sulfate flocculation; aniline sulphur and formaldehyde; apparent shear force; area sampling frame survey; Automatic System Facility
abbr., el. active segment field; adaptive speech filter; air-supported fiber; ammonium silicofluoride; amorphous semiconducting film; anti-Stokes frequency; application swap file; arithmetic statement function; atomic sensitivity factor
abbr., file.ext. Active/Advanced Streaming Format (Microsoft); Advanced Streaming Format Video; Lotus 1-2-3 Screen font
abbr., food.serv. animal source food
abbr., hi-fi Advanced Systems Format
abbr., hist. Army Service Forces
abbr., IT Apache Software Foundation; Aspect Source Flag; Active Streaming Format; ActiveMovie Streaming Format; application specific coding flag
abbr., law Automatic Search Facility (iVictorr)
abbr., med. Anencephaly Support Foundation; Angelman Syndrome Foundation; Association Des Sclérodermiques De France; aniline, formaldehyde and sulfur
abbr., media. Advanced Streaming Format
abbr., mil. American Special Forces; air-space forces (MichaelBurov); aerospace forces (MichaelBurov); aeromedical staging facility
abbr., oil amperes per square foot; aniline-sulphur and formaldehyde; assignable square feet
abbr., polit. African Standby Force
abbr., polym. American Sanitation Foundation; Automotive Safety Foundation
abbr., post Administrative Support Facility, Auxiliary Service Facility; auxiliary service facility (Interex)
abbr., scottish Acoustic Support Function (Netherlands); Aeromedical Staging Facilities / Flight; Army Standard Family (shelters)
abbr., space additional safety factor; additional secondary factors; ATM switching fabrics
abbr., st.exch. Administaff, Inc.
abbr., textile acrylic staple fibers
abbr., transp. Audi Space Frame
airports Astrakhan, Russia
mil. additional selection factor; advanced simulation facility; advisory support force; air superiority fighter; aircraft services facility; ammunition storage facility; amphibious striking forces; Army stock fund; aviation support facility
tech. aperture size factor; atomic scattering factor
asf abbr.
abbr. and so forth; as fuck (Bauirjan)
O&G as follows (kotechek)
asf. abbr.
abbr. and so forth