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metro cubo | standard
agric. industr. construct. tavolone di conifere a spigolo parallelo
agric. mech.eng. staffone; telaio del corpo
construct. ritto portante
cultur. puntale
econ. norma
footwear camicia
industr. construct. stendardo
mech.eng. montante; montante dell'incastellatura
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to phrases
 English thesaurus
METRO ['metrəu] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. meteorological equipment terminal and representative observation
abbr., mil., avia. material essential to reconstitution operations
mil. materiel essential to reconstitution operations
tech. metrological
metro ['metrəu] abbr.
abbr. meteorological; meteorology
USA metropolitan regional government
metro cubo standard
: 5 phrases in 1 subject