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chem. di-; bi-
piombo e utilizzata per composti antidetonanti
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 English thesaurus
DAL [dɑːl] abbr.
abbr. Dedicated Advertising Location; detached address label; Diplomatic Academy of London (Anglophile); Direct Access Line; Drooling A Lot
abbr., avia. Love Field, Dallas, Texas USA; data accession list; drawing assembly list
abbr., comp. Disk Access Lockout (Vosoni)
abbr., ed., scient. Dalhousie University; Design Automation Laboratory
abbr., el. dielectric-assisted lift-off; double active layer
abbr., footb. Dallas Cowboys
abbr., IT Data Access List; Database Abstraction Layer; Direct Algebraic Logic; Data Access Language; Digital Access Line
abbr., mil. Dywizjon Artylerii Lekkiej; defended asset list; defended assets list
abbr., mil., avia. Dahlgren
abbr., nautic. Dallas Love Field, U.S.A.
abbr., oil delegation of authority limits (serz)
abbr., post Detached Address Label
abbr., progr., IT Data Access Layer; Dynamic Action Linker
abbr., st.exch. Delta Air Lines, Inc. of Delaware
abbr., tech. design assurance level (MichaelBurov); Digital Active Line (Vosoni)
abbr., tel. Dedicated Access Line
abbr., transp. Dallas Love Field
mil. distribution authority list
tech. data analysis laboratory
dal [dɑːl] abbr.
abbr. decaliter; dekalitre (Vosoni)
polym. decalitre
Dal. n
UK Dalison's Common Pleas Reports (Bound with Benloe)
DAL [dɑːl] abbr.
abbr., avia. Development Assurance Level (уровень сертификации программного обеспечения в зависимости от категории критичности отказа компонента geseb)
abbr., IT database administration language
abbr., oil data access line; data analysis language; design analysis language
abbr., space data acquisition list; digital accelerometer loops
dal: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Life sciences1