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System of Compensation
 system of compensation
law min.prod. sistema di compensazione
| for
gen. come; per
| the
fin. agenzia gestita da terzi
| Loss
econ. disavanzo
environ. perdita
insur. sinistro
med. perdite
| of
gen. di
| Export Earnings
 export earnings
econ. proventi che derivano dall'esportazione
| for
gen. come
| Least-developed Countries
 least developed countries
econ. UN paesi in via di sviluppo meno avanzati
| not
gen. non
| Signatory
IT firmatario
| t
tech. 1 tonnellata
- only individual words found

to phrases
system of compensation
law, min.prod. sistema di compensazione
System of Compensation for the Loss of Export Earnings for Least-developed Countries not Signatory: 1 phrase in 1 subject