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 English thesaurus
DET abbr.
abbr. Directorate Of Employment Training; Damn Evil Thing
abbr., austral. Department Of Education And Training
abbr., auto. detachable
abbr., avia. Detroit City Airport, Detroit, Michigan USA; detection detector: detent (Interex); detail drawing; detect; driver enable timer
abbr., commer. differential export tax
abbr., comp., net. Directory Entry Table
abbr., construct. Duct and Envelope Tightness (peuplier_8)
abbr., el. domain extinction time; double-emitter transistor
abbr., el., scient. Dull Emitter Transmitting
abbr., file.ext. Device Execute Trigger
abbr., footb. Detroit Lions
abbr., gov. Department of Economy and Tourism (Дубай Nectarine)
abbr., karate. dust erosion tunnel
abbr., law Date Entered Training (acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/Date+Entered+Training - АД Alexander Demidov)
abbr., med. Diethyltryptamine; Dipyridamole Echocardiography Test
abbr., mil. Data Entry Terminal; Detachment; Displaced Equipment Training; Distributed Explosive Technology; Distributive Explosive Technology
abbr., nautic. Detention (See DAMFORDET)
abbr., physiol., med. Determine
abbr., progr. data element type (ssn)
abbr., scottish Detonate
abbr., sec.sys. dual edge triggering
mil. design evaluation test
NYSE., st.exch. Decs Trust
oncol., mil. Detached
tech. detent; determination; diagnostic evaluation team; digital event timer; direct energy transfer; double emitter transistor; double epitaxial isolation
det abbr.
abbr. detachment; detail; detainee; detection; detector; detention; determine; detonation
abbr., med., lat. detur
abbr., oil details
mil., lingo detonator (MichaelBurov); determinant (MichaelBurov)
det. abbr.
abbr. detonation; detonator
abbr., earth.sc. detail; detector
abbr., med. let it be given
polym. determine
Det. abbr.
abbr. detective (morev); detachment; determinant
abbr., earth.sc. detection
Det N abbr.
abbr. detached (N)
abbr., cartogr. detached (N)
det.. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. detection
tech. digital element test set
DET abbr.
abbr., avia. design evaluation testing; detailed ET
abbr., busin. detain; domestic escorted tour
abbr., IT device entry table
abbr., oil diethyl tartrate
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