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SID [sɪd] nstresses
tech. стандартный вылет по приборам
Sid [sɪd] n
gen. Сид (мужское имя)
SiD [sɪd] n
nucl.phys. Кремниевый детектор SiD (MichaelBurov)
sid [sɪd] n
slang галлюциноген ЛСДнарк (Interex)
UN малые островные развивающиеся государства (Small Island Developing States ambassador)
SID [sɪd] adj.
O&G, tengiz. ТБ в проектировании (Yeldar Azanbayev); ТБПП (Yeldar Azanbayev)
sid [sɪd] adj.
tech. ОП
SID [sɪd] abbr.
agric. стандартизированная илеальная доступность аминокислот (olga don)
avia. стандартная схема выхода (Seofunny; по приборам Andy); стандартный маршрут вылета (MichaelBurov)
comp., MS ИД безопасности (In Windows-based systems, a unique value that identifies a user, group, or computer account within an enterprise. Every account is issued a SID when it is created); идентификатор безопасности, SID (In Windows-based systems, a unique value that identifies a user, group, or computer account within an enterprise. Every account is issued a SID when it is created)
ed. идентификационный номер студента (Student Identification Number Tiny Tony); номер личного дела студента (Tiny Tony)
IT сегментированная база данных изображений
Makarov. диссоциация, индуцированная поверхностью; индуцированная поверхностью диссоциация
med. нарушение сенсорной интеграции (blacksmit)
nautic. Seafarer's Identity Document, УЛМ (jul1405); однопалубное (судно; single decker Prime)
pediatr. простая иммунодиффузия (single immunodiffusion mazurov)
pharm. один раз в день (powergene)
phys. внезапное ионосферное возмущение
police Scientific Investigation Division, Отдел криминалистики полиции Лос-Анджелеса (kartav)
progr. идентификация сервиса (Service Identification; автоматизированное определение вида сервисных услуг, предоставляемых пользователям ssn)
SAP.tech. идентификатор основных данных
tech. Общество информационных дисплеев (Society for Information Displays leahengzell)
 English thesaurus
Sid [sɪd] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. siderite
SID [sɪd] abbr.
abbr. Sidamo; South Indian Dance; Super Intelligent Design; Sal, Cape Verde Islands; seal-in device; Seniority Integration Date; Serious In Design; Sermon And Illustration Database; Sex In Doubt; Shallow Intermediate And Deep; Signaling IDentifier; Simple Information Database; Society for Information Displays (organization); Society for International Development; Software Item Description; Solubilization by Incipient Development; Sorry Inconsiderate Dick; Spacecraft Identification Number; special-purpose; spectral distribution; splashproof; spool; Sports Illustrated Dog; Subscription Identification (Alexander Matytsin); Static Impeller Driven; Strategic Information Development; Subscriber Identification Number (мобильная телефония Leonid Dzhepko); Sudden Ionosphere Disturbance; Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance (Space); supplemental inspection document SICS, shipboard intelligence collection equipment; Support For Instructional Designers; SWIFT Interface Device (SWIFT); System ID number; System IDentification; System Installation Diskette
abbr., anim.husb. Sheep Industry Development Programme
abbr., auto. subsystem identifier; seal-in-device; side-impact dummy; side supplemental inflatable restraint device; supplementary information device
abbr., avia. standard instrument departure route (MichaelBurov); seal in device; sensor input/output interface; situation information display; standard interface database; steady in direction; structure structured inspection document; subcontract item definition; system identify; system integration demonstration; system interface definition; system interface document; Standard Instrument Departure Chart (Helenia)
abbr., comp. Silence Insertion Descriptor (harser); System IDentifier (Ding_an_sich)
abbr., comp., net., IT Shared Information Distance
abbr., crim. state identification number (Alex Lilo)
abbr., data.prot. security identifier (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., dermat. secondarily-infected dermatose (Игорь_2006)
abbr., ed. Severe Intellectual Disability
abbr., ed., scient. Scientific Investigation Division; Sports Information Director
abbr., el. safe identifier; Sandia image digitizer; scanning image dissector; secondary-ion deposition; segment identifier; semiconductor imaging device; sequential information data; service identification; session identification; software interface definition; source identification; source identification data; state independent decodable; station identifier; strategic information delivery; structure information display; surface ionization detector; symbolic instruction debugger; system area identification
abbr., el., scient. Slew Induced Distortion
abbr., file.ext. Serial Input Data; Station Identification (AT&T); Symbolic Interactive Debugger; Syntax Improving Device; System ID
abbr., inet. Scouting Internet Directory
abbr., IT Searchable Image Database; Security Identifier; Subunit Interaction Domain; security ID; segmented image database; Standard Interchangeable Data
abbr., law State Identification Number
abbr., med. Selective Intestinal Decontamination; Single Intradermal (test); Society For Investigative Dermatology; State Inpatient Database; Stress-induced heart Depolarization; Sudden Infant Death; Source-Image Distance (harser); strong ion difference (Анна Носкова); single immunodiffusion
abbr., media. Sound Interface Device
abbr., microel. serial input data line (ssn)
abbr., mil. Ship In Distress; Speed Indicator Device; Semantic IDentifier (computer programming); Silicon Imaging Device; standard instrument departure
abbr., mil., air.def. security identification; situation display (radar)
abbr., nautic. Single Decker
abbr., O&G, casp. safety in design (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., opt. Society for Information Display
abbr., physiol., med. Once per day
abbr., police Special Investigations Division (tanultorosz)
abbr., progr., IT Still In Development
abbr., relig. Satan In Disguise
abbr., scottish Information Service, Ministry of National Defense (Belgium); Secondary Imagery Dissemination; Ship Installation Drawings; Situation Information Display console; Source Image Distortion; System Integration Development
abbr., sec.sys. security identifier
abbr., sec.sys., IT Security In Depth
abbr., sport. Smad Interaction Domain
abbr., st.exch. Companhia Siderurgica Nacional
abbr., tech. Civil standard instrument departure
abbr., telecom. System Identification Number
abbr., transp. Side Impact Dummy; Speed Indicating Device; Standard Instrument Departure
comp. sudden ionospheric disturbances
data.prot. security identifier (Alex_Odeychuk)
ecol. sudden ionospheric disturbance
meteorol. sidereal
mil. security and intelligence division; seismic intrusion detector; situation display; special intelligence detachment; standard information display; strategic intelligence digest; Subscriber Identification; supplemental inspection document; systems integration demonstrator; systems interface device; systems interface document
O&G ionization smoke detector
tech. slew-induced distortion; sodium ionization detector; space and information systems division; synchronous identification system; system for interactive design
Sid [sɪd] adj.
O&G siderite a common, yellowish-brown, brownish-red, brownish-black, white or gray mineral, composed of FeCO3.
SIDS [sɪd] abbr.
abbr. Selective Imagery Dissemination (System)
mil., abbr. Selective Imagery Dissemination (System)
SiD [sɪd] adj.
nucl.phys. Silicon Detector SiD (MichaelBurov)
Sid. abbr.
abbr. Siderfin's King's Bench Reports
sid. abbr.
abbr., construct. siding
SID [sɪd] abbr.
abbr. standardized ideal digestibility (igisheva); speech input device
abbr., avia. selected item drawing; software interface drawing; spares input document; structure inspection document
abbr., commer. surat idzin devisen
abbr., comp., net. service identifier
abbr., earth.sc. selected ion detection; sutter irrigation district
abbr., econ. Society for Interactional Development
abbr., med. source-to-image distance (Andrey250780); source-to-image -receptor distance
abbr., med.appl. source image receptor distance (radiopaedia.org Irene_Sm)
abbr., oil selective ion detector; source identification code
abbr., oil.proc. Shipper Identification Number (Izuminka2008)
abbr., space simulator interface device; standard interface document
abbr., sport. Stayman in doubt; Sports Information Desk
SID целостност
: 19 phrases in 16 subjects
Computer networks1
Drug-related slang1
Information technology1
Material safety data sheet1
Names and surnames1
Nuclear physics1
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Proper name1