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SFC abbr.stresses
energ.ind. статический преобразователь частоты (MichaelBurov); тиристорное пусковое устройство генератора (MichaelBurov); СПЧ (для обеспечения переходного процесса при запуске генератора MichaelBurov)
food.ind. содержание твёрдых жиров (solid fat content LapinaF)
Gruzovik, mil. центр космических полётов (space flight center)
histol. формирующие пятно клетки (iwona)
Makarov. сверхкритическая флюидная хроматография
med. салметерол/флутиказона пропионат (ННатальЯ); условия единичного отказа (single fault condition denikoboroda)
O&G, sakh. муфта обсадной трубы регулируемой плавучести (SFC)
progr. последовательные функциональные схемы (ssn); ПФС (последовательная функциональная схема ssn); последовательная функциональная схема (стандартный язык программирования IEC 61131-3, см. также Robert W. Lewis; Karl-Heinz John; Bonfatti F. ssn); последовательная функциональная диаграмма (ssn); последовательные функциональные диаграммы (ssn)
sfc abbr.
auto. удельный расход топлива
 English thesaurus
SFC abbr.
abbr. Stand For Children; shop floor control (алешаBG); So Fucking Cool; Soft Fucking Core; Space Flight Center; Sucker Free City; surface; supplementary feeding centre; static frequency convertor; steel fibre concrete; Securities and Futures Commission Hong Kong (LadaP)
abbr., auto. short fiber composites; sideway-force coefficient
abbr., avia. Special Facility Chart (Helenia); secondary flow control; side force control; synchronous forward command; safety flight control; special furnished equipment; special flight charts
abbr., bank. Securities and Futures Commission (Dorian Roman)
abbr., busin. Special Facility Contract
abbr., comp.name. Synthetic Fuels Corporation
abbr., earth.sc. sideway force coefficient; simulated flow cell; sodium ferrocyanide; State Financial Corporation; Streamflow Forecast Centre; strong feldspar cataclasis
abbr., el. sampling frequency converter; S-band frequency converter; sectored file controller; select file command; selector file channel; short-form catalog; statistical fault counter; structure flow chart; switching filter connector; synchronous frequency changer
abbr., el., scient. Supercritical Fluid Chromatography
abbr., electr.eng. service full capability; static frequency changer
abbr., energ.ind. static frequency converter (MichaelBurov)
abbr., exhib., org.name. Scandinavian Fair Control
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Star Fleet Command
abbr., food.ind. Solid Fat Content (Ася Кудрявцева)
abbr., immunol. spot-forming cell
abbr., inet. Smiley Face Club
abbr., IT System File Check; System File Checker
abbr., math., scient. Strategy Free Criterion
abbr., meteorol. Société Française De Cardiologie; Société Française Du Cancer. French Cancer Society; salmeterol/fluticasone (ННатальЯ); spinal fluid count
abbr., mil. Sergeant First Class; Shot For Cowardice; Specific Fuel Consumption; single-fuel concept; static fire controller; Single Fuel Concept
abbr., mil., avia. sensitivity/frequency characteristics
abbr., mil., WMD Sequential function chart; supercritical fluid chromatography (ekshu)
abbr., nautic., scient. Space Forecast Center
abbr., O&G, sakh. sequence flow chart; Speed frequency control
abbr., oil scale factor correction; submarine fan complex; supercritical fluid chromatograph
abbr., org.name. Subregional Office for Central Africa
abbr., post Standard Field Computer
abbr., progr. sequential function chart (ssn); Sequential Function Charts (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Sequential Function Chart
abbr., relig. Singers For Change; Soldiers For Christ; Student For Christ; Superiority For Christ
abbr., scottish Soldier Fighting Cover
abbr., tax. surface charge (Yuriy83)
abbr., tech. Synthetic fiber core (jamaliya)
abbr., transp. Simple Fuel Computer
abbr., vet.med., med. Society for Cryobiology
energ.ind. single-failure criterion; stress fatigue cracking
mil. sergeant, first class; sight fire control; special forces company; specific fuel consumption
tech. star field camera
sfc abbr.
abbr. Specific Fuel Consumption
sfce. abbr.
abbr. surface
sfce abbr.
insur. Specific fuel consumption
: 82 phrases in 6 subjects
Energy industry3
Name of organization3
Weapons of mass destruction1