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NT nstresses
China Новые Территории (одна из трёх частей специального административного района Гонконг, помимо которой выделяют также собственно остров Гонконг и Коулун. Ying)
GOST. УТ (климатическое исполнение изделий для умеренно-тропического климата по ГОСТ 15150-69 Sumin)
Gruzovik, scient. чистый вес в тоннах (net tons)
O&G, tengiz. НТ (поселок Новый Тенгиз Gumush)
Nt n
nucl.phys., радиоакт. радон
радиоакт. эманация радия; эманация (Em); нитон (Nt)
nt n
astr. децимиллистильб
phys. нит
comp. терминатор сети; сетевой терминатор
NT abbr.
gen. толщина воротникового пространства, ширина шейной прозрачности (Nastya-schastye)
comp., net. сетевой терминал; сетевая оконечная станция; новая технология
dentist. природный зуб (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, comp., net. сетевой терминатор (network terminator)
med. ширина шейной прозрачности (nuchal translucency wendy2001)
oil нормальная температура (normal temperature)
oil.proc. прямогонный бензин (naphta Mus)
phys. нейтринный телескоп (MichaelBurov)
refrig. среднетемпературный диапазон (MichaelBurov)
relig. Новый Завет (A.Rezvov)
tax. No Tax не облагается налогом (aptr)
NT$ abbr.
gen. новый тайваньский доллар (Alyona1_1)
nt abbr.
astr. дмсб
nT abbr.
goldmin. наноТесла (Leonid Dzhepko; нано бывает сами знаете кто. Здесь нанотесла) carp)
nt] abbr.
gen. выучил (javi)
 English thesaurus
nts. abbr.
abbr., econ. notes
NT abbr.
abbr. night telegram
abbr., busin. net; new terms; not; note
abbr., commer. New Taiwan Dollar
abbr., earth.sc. National Treatment Principe; national trust; neutron
abbr., econ. national treatment; net tonnage
abbr., mech.eng. normal starting torque
abbr., med. neotetrazolium (stain)
abbr., obst. nuchal translucency (Баян)
abbr., oil neap tide; net tonnage; Nissei Tanker; no tested; number of teeth
abbr., pharm. neurotropin
abbr., space navigation telescope; network technique; noise temperature; numbering transmitter
abbr., sport. notrump
abbr., tech. nanotechnology
abbr., textile national tariff; national treasury; National Treatment Principle
NT abbr.
abbr. New Taiwan; New Technologies; Non Transferable; North Texas; Northern Territory; Name Taker; Naso- Tracheal; Natural Tendency; Nautilus Technology; navy type; Needs A Terabyte; Nervous Technicians; Netware Terminator; Network Termination; Networking Theory; Neurologically Typical; New Taiwanese; New Testament; Newer Technology; Newer Than ....; Newer Transfer; Newfoundland Time; Nice Target; Nice Tits; No Tail; No Takeoff; No Thoughts; Non Transport (Non Transport is a driving licence category in India, it is used to drive light motor vehicles for personal purposes, but not for commercial transportation russiangirl); No Thread; авто. net ton; Net Titre; No Toes; No Touching; No Trade; No Transcript; No Trebles; no trumps; No Turbo; Node Type (SNA); Nome Time-11:00; non tight; Non Tracking; Non Transactions; Non- Tender; Nordic Tournament; Nortel Networks Corporation; North Tacoma; Northern Telecom; Not Tender; not tested; Not Today; Not Tough; Not Trusted; Not Trustworthy; Not Tubercular; Now Tinkering; Nsa Translation; Null Type; Number of Trials; Nursing Times magazine
abbr., anim.husb., genet. nuclear transfer
abbr., auto. neutral; no traffic
abbr., avia. net thrust; networked targeting; no tool; nonconforming tooling
abbr., Canada Northwest Territories
abbr., cartogr. National Trust (area)
abbr., China new territories (в Гонконге igisheva)
abbr., commun. Network Terminal/Termination
abbr., comp., net. network terminal
abbr., cosmet. Nasal Tip (ННатальЯ)
abbr., dentist. natural tooth (MichaelBurov)
abbr., ecol. no tillage
abbr., econ. night tourist service
abbr., el. national transit; network topology; new type; non-tracking; number of tracks; nested task; Nom time
abbr., file.ext. Nome Time (-11:00); Startup files (Windows NT)
abbr., food.ind. Non Toxic
abbr., inet. Next Time; Next Topic; No Text; Not There; no text (означает, что в записи не содержится текста кроме заголовка acrogamnon)
abbr., IT Newer Than...; Next To; network termination unit; no tabs; no transmission
abbr., med. Naso-tracheal; Nerve Treatment; Normal Temperature; No Test, Not Tested; NasoTracheal; Nontumoral; NucleoTide; neutralization technique; nontypable; neurotrophin
abbr., mil. No Trouble; nodal terminal
abbr., mil., air.def. number of tracking
abbr., mil., avia. natural transistor
abbr., nano nanotechnology (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., O&G, sakh. non-watertight
abbr., oil new tons; thermal neutron log
abbr., phys. neutrino telescope (MichaelBurov)
abbr., physiol. Nanofiller Technology; Naso-Tracheal; Non-Tender; noninvasive testing
abbr., polit. Neutral Zone; Netherlands Antilles
abbr., polym. nontight; normal temperature
abbr., progr. net terminator (ssn); network terminator (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Networking Technology; New Technology; Not Tested
abbr., qual.cont. non tested
abbr., refrig. normal temperature range (MichaelBurov); NT range (MichaelBurov)
abbr., soil. nitisol
abbr., sport. Nice Try; No Time
abbr., steam. neutralization test (ochernen)
abbr., telecom. network termination
abbr., ukr.usg. nitron
abbr., work.fl. narrower term
biochem. Nortriptyline
energ.ind. near-term; nuclear thermodynamic
meteorol. non-tight
mil. naval torpedo; night tracer; normal tour
tech. network terminator; neutron transmitter; night; normalized tempered
tradem. National
NT. abbr.
abbr. the National Trust (for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty)
Nt abbr.
abbr. nitrone
abbr., med. cross neutralization (test)
tech. niton; number of transfer units
nt abbr.
abbr. no trace
abbr., dril. net ton
abbr., earth.sc. net weight
genet. nucleotide (ochernen)
opt. nit
nt. abbr.
abbr., econ. net ton
abbr., libr. not
abbr., tech. net weight
nT abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. nanotesla
Nt. abbr.
abbr., econ. new terms
: 91 phrases in 25 subjects
Artificial intelligence1
Computer networks1
Dental implantology1
Information technology7
Mass media8
SAP tech.1