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NSR abbr.stresses
gen. мгновенный однокомпонентный клей-герметик (North Sea Resins one-part, cure-on-command resins can be used underwater or surface as an adhesive, filler or sealant. Fix wet pipes, boat hulls, tanks, etc Павел Дмитриев); чистая выручка от реализации (Traktat Translation Agency)
geol. доставка не требуется (No Shipping Required WiseSnake)
mining. чистая прибыль после переработки или переплавки концентрата (net smelter return, часто NSR сut-off – это борт NSR – то-есть такое значение разрабатываемых блоков руды, ниже которого их эксплуатация не рентабельна. Это в какой-то степени близко к понятию бортовые одержания руды – в российском формате, но более полно отражет экономику проекта Viacheslav Volkov)
nautic. незачищаемый остаток (MichaelBurov); Северный морской путь (Venita)
nucl.pow. Правила ядерной безопасности (MichaelBurov); ПЯБ (MichaelBurov)
OHS нестандартные грузозахватные приспособления (SAKHstasia)
phys. отношение сигнал-шум (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
NSR abbr.
abbr. National Slug Rejectors; Non Self Regulating; National Scale Rating (Alexander Matytsin); NATO staff requirement; Non-Source Routed; Nursing Service Reserve
abbr., auto. NOx storage reduction
abbr., avia. narrow sector recorder; no scheduled removal; no schedule removal; no schedule required
abbr., biotechn. Not-so-random (primers Altuntash)
abbr., chem., scient. Nitride Semiconductor Research
abbr., cosmet. nonablative skin rejuvenation (ННатальЯ)
abbr., earth.sc. Scientific Council on Formation of Ores; Scientific Council on Ores
abbr., econ. new sales ratio (makhno)
abbr., el. narrow-sector receiver; Nikon step-and-repeat exposure system; nonshared resource; normal service range; normal service request; no slot release
abbr., electr.eng. noise-to-signal ratio
abbr., inet. Netsurfer Robotics
abbr., IT Normal Service Ruined; Nvidia Shading Rasterizer
abbr., law Never Seems Right
abbr., med. Normal Sinus Rythym (cardiac); normal sinus rhythm; nonsurgical reduction (неоперативное вправление, напр. грыжи или вывиха doc090)
abbr., media. New Source Review; Non Sequential Recording
abbr., met. Net Smelter Return (Atenza)
abbr., mil. National Security Review; National Strategy Review
abbr., nautic. non-extractable residue (MichaelBurov); non-removable residue (MichaelBurov); non-strippable residue (MichaelBurov); nonremovable residue (MichaelBurov); Northern Sea Route (Venita)
abbr., nucl.pow. Nuclear Safety Regulations (MichaelBurov)
abbr., OHS non-standard rigging (SAKHstasia)
abbr., oil no such receiver; notch strength ratio
abbr., oncol. No Sign of Recurrence; Non-Significant Result
abbr., oncol., med. Non Significant Result; Normal Sinus Rhythem
abbr., phys. noise over signal (MichaelBurov); noise over signal ratio (MichaelBurov); noise-to-signal ratio (MichaelBurov)
abbr., physiol. Nasal Septum Reconstruction
abbr., physiol., med. Neuro Stress Release
abbr., railw. Newburgh and South Shore Railroad Company
abbr., scottish Naval Staff Requirement (UK)
abbr., space narrow-sector recorder; nitrile silicone rubber; noise and signal-to-noise ratio; nominal slow rate
abbr., sport. National Scouting Report; No Such Rule; Northwest Sportbike Riders
abbr., tradem. National Systems Research Company
abbr., vet.med., med. Normal Sinus Rhythm
Apollo-Soyuz coelliptic maneuver
energ.ind. non-safety related; nuclear safety regulations
mil. national security regulation; national shipping representative; no staff responsibility
tech. Navy satellite radar; neutron source reactor; non-safety-related; nuclear safety research
: 4 phrases in 4 subjects
Building structures1
Mineral processing1