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MTP nstresses
med. микросомальный белок, переносящий триглицериды (MTTP) microsomal triglyceride transfer protein MTTP (MTP) (MTTP Еленаstar)
MTPs n
telecom. подсистемы MTP (oleg.vigodsky)
MTP abbr.
cables многоволоконный разъём (MichaelBurov); разъём MTP (MichaelBurov)
chem. метанол в пропилен (МВП ch_lena13)
oil максимальное давление в насосно-компрессорной колонне (maximum tubing pressure); максимальное давление в верхней части (сосуда, установки, maximum top pressure)
 English thesaurus
MTP abbr.
abbr., med. massive transfusion protocol (форма переливания крови ParanoIDioteque)
abbr., mil. Multi-Terrain Pattern (Yuriy83)
abbr., NATO MIO Tactical Planning (Nu Zdravstvuy)
abbr., oil Maximum Technical Performance (ixtra); Maximum Theoretical Performance (ixtra)
MTPs abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. material transfer processes; material transported process
MTPS abbr.
abbr. modified transient plane source method (модифицированный метод нестационарного плоского источника Мирослав9999)
abbr., comp. magnetic tape programming system
abbr., space magnetic tape plotting system
MTP abbr.
abbr. Mission Test Plan; Managers Training Programme (Andrey250780); Military Training Program
abbr., avia. Montauk Point, New York USA; maintenance test panel; maintenance and test panel (AFS); manufacturing technical procedure; master tooling part; maximum tyre pressure
abbr., BrE military training pamphlet
abbr., busin. Minimum Tour Price; minimum travel price
abbr., cables MTP connector (MichaelBurov); multi-fiber connector (MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem. Methanol-to-Propylene (CMAI ch_lena13)
abbr., comp. message transfer part (ssn)
abbr., earth.sc. mean termination probability; medium-term plane; microtopography profiler
abbr., econ. management training program
abbr., ed., scient. Masters Training Package
abbr., el. magnetic tape playback; mail transfer protocol; master terminal program; message transmission part; message transfer protocol; metal/tunneling nitride/polysilicon (gate); modular terminal processor; modular test port; multimedia transmit protocol; multiple-time programmable; multiply twinned particle; multithread processing
abbr., el., scient. Multiple Time Programmable
abbr., immunol. Microtiter plate (Весельчак У)
abbr., IT Media Termination Point
abbr., med. Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein; Medical Termination of Pregnancy (harser); minimally treated patient (пациент, получавший ранее препарат в минимальных количествах Dimpassy); metatarsophalangeal (joint); metatarsophalangeal joint
abbr., mil. Maintenance Test Plan; Multi-Threat Protection (qwarty); Marine tactical publication; maritime task plan; mission tasking packet
abbr., mil., air.def. multi tactical processor
abbr., mil., avia. magnetic tape playback
abbr., oil maximum top pressure; maximum tubing pressure; mobile template platform; N-morpholinylthiophalimide
abbr., pharm. muramyl tripeptide
abbr., physiol. Metatarsophalangeal articulations
abbr., space mandatory technical publications; Meteosat Transition Programme satellite; microwave temperature profiler
abbr., st.exch. Montana Power Company
abbr., UN medium-term plan; medium term plan
abbr., UN, account. Medium-Term Plan
energ.ind., abbr. maximum theoretically possible
mil., abbr. maintenance test package; manufacturing technology program; manufacturing test procedure; master test plan; master transportation plan; materiel test procedure; military type property; missile tube pressurization; mission training plan; mobilization training program; mobilization troop program; modification task proposals; multiple-task performance
tech., abbr. maneuvering unit test plan; mean transmitted power
Mtp abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. metasomatic process
: 32 phrases in 5 subjects
Cables and cable production2
Corporate governance1