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Fo nstresses
prop.name Фо
fo n
chinese.lang. фо (транскрипции по системе Палладия, используемой для передачи кириллицей звуков китайского языка, соответствует данная транскрипция на основе латиницы по системе ханьюй пиньинь Alex_Odeychuk)
FOS abbr.
gen. система с файловой организацией
food.ind. фруктоолигосахарид (dosh)
Gruzovik, IT поле зрения (field of sight)
Gruzovik, scient. коэффициент запаса прочности (factor of safety)
health. Безопасность пищевых продуктов и зоонозы (ВОЗ Wakeful dormouse)
IT система с файловой ориентацией
mil. падение снаряда (fall of shot hizman)
nautic. свободно на борту (free on ship)
oil запас прочности (factor of safety); коэффициент надёжности (factor of safety); состояние полной эксплуатационной готовности (full operational status); технические требования к эксплуатации (functional operational specification)
FoS abbr.
nucl.pow. коэффициенты запаса (Iryna_mudra); коэффициенты надёжности (Iryna_mudra)
 English thesaurus
FO abbr.
abbr. Face-Off (hockey Alex Lilo); Factory Outlet (UK shopping channel Alex Lilo); Far Out (Alex Lilo); fast operate (relay); Fiber-Optic (s Alex Lilo); Forli (postcode, Italy Alex Lilo); Formatting Object (XSL Alex Lilo); Formosa (Argentina province, airline code Alex Lilo); Front Office (Alex Lilo); Forward Observer; flat oval; foldout; Faroese
abbr., anim.husb. feeble oestrus
abbr., astronaut. Forestry Department (FAO)
abbr., auto. fist-operating relay; fault code; fiber fibre optics; fuel octane
abbr., avia. flight object; facilities order; factory order; fold out; forward observation
abbr., biol. frontal-occipital
abbr., BrE flying officer
abbr., commun. fibre tail; fat fibre; forward-biased operation; fibre loss; fibre-based; fibre in the loop system; fibre to the home cabling; four-port coupler
abbr., comp., net. fiber optics
abbr., drw. field outlet
abbr., econ. functional objective
abbr., el. fiber optical; follow on; follow-on; forced oscillation; form-overlay; free operator
abbr., electr.eng. fiber-optical; forced outage; flashover
abbr., IT fan-out
abbr., med. foramen ovale (harser); fronto-occipital
abbr., med., lat. foramen ovule; fossa ovalis
abbr., mil. flag officer; flash override; forward observer; for orders
abbr., mil., avia. fail operative
abbr., oil farmout; fuel operated; faulted out; full opening
abbr., opt. fiber optic
abbr., physiol. Foreign Object
abbr., polit. Faroe Islands
abbr., polym. fuel oil
abbr., scottish Fibre Optics; Flag Officer (UK Royal Navy)
abbr., shipb. fire order
abbr., tech. fragmentary order
energ.ind. facility owner
energ.ind., abbr. unit cross-section
mil. firing order
mil., abbr. fallout; fast operating; field office; field officer; field operational; field order; finance officer; first officer; fitting-out; flight operations; flight order; flying operations; foreign object
O&G, abbr. flushing oil; fully open
tech. fail open; fiber optic link
tech., abbr. Fourier number; Fourier optics; fade-out; fast-operating; feature output; filter output; floating output; full-opening; natural frequency
Fo abbr.
abbr. formation factor deduced from total porosity; Fourier criterion; flickout; Franco-
abbr., earth.sc. oxidizing flame
fo abbr.
abbr. faced only
FO IFO abbr.
abbr., nautic. Fuel Oil/Intermediate FO
fo' n
black.sl. for (Alex_Odeychuk)
Fo. abbr.
abbr. folio
fo. abbr.
abbr., econ. following
FOS abbr.
abbr. Fantastically Oaky Stuff
abbr., astronaut. Faint Object Spectrograph (on HST)
abbr., avia. Forrest, Western Australia, Australia; faint object spectrograph; fibre optics sensor; forecast option selection; fabricate order scorecard; fiber optic sensor; flap override switch; flight operations support; fighter operations simulator; fuel operator station; function operator specification
abbr., biochem. fructo-oligosaccharide (igisheva); fructooligosaccharide (igisheva)
abbr., bot., scient. Forensic and Osteoarchaeological Services
abbr., busin. free on stamp; free on station
abbr., commer. free on ship (steamer)
abbr., dril. fossil
abbr., earth.sc. fiber optic sensors; field observing station
abbr., econ. free overside
abbr., ed., scient. Free Online Scholarship
abbr., el. fiber-optic scanner; fiber-optic sensor; fiber optic switch; fiber-optic system; Fujitsu office system
abbr., fib.optic fiber-optical system (igisheva); fibre-optic sensor (igisheva); fibre-optic system (igisheva)
abbr., inet. Freak Out Squad
abbr., IT file organization system; file-oriented system
abbr., logist. Fuel Oil Surcharge
abbr., med. Fast Orthogonal Search; Fixation-off Sensitivity; Finnish Osteoporosis Society (EFFO Member Society); Full Of Sh*t (either Severely Constipated Or Metaphorically); fructo-oligosaccharides (ННатальЯ)
abbr., met. fuel-oxygen-scrap
abbr., mil. Forward Observer System; forward operating site
abbr., mil., avia. factor of safety
abbr., O&G, casp. floating offshore structure (raf)
abbr., O&G, sakh. floating oil storage; flushing out supply
abbr., oil face of stud; free on ship (streamer); free on steam; free over side; fuel oil supply
abbr., oncol. Finkel Osteogenic Sarcoma
abbr., org.name. Department of Food Safety, Zoonoses and Foodborne Diseases
abbr., physiol. Full Of Stool constipated
abbr., physiol., med. Full of stool
abbr., space fibre-optics sensor
abbr., textile free of stamp; free on steamer; free overside ship
abbr., tradem. Furniture Online Shop
abbr., UN, geol. foot of the continental slope
mil. follow-on system
mil., abbr. field of study; fleet operational support; flight operation system; full operational system
physiol., abbr. Full of stool (constipated)
tech. fiber-optics system
tech., abbr. functional operational specification
tech., mil. full operational status
FoS abbr.
abbr. factors of safety (Iryna_mudra)
commer. Family of Systems
fos. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. fossil
abbr., econ. free on steamer
fos abbr.
abbr., oil fossile; fossiliferous
Fos abbr.
abbr., oil fossil fuel
: 51 phrases in 24 subjects
Cables and cable production1
Fairy tales3
Medical appliances1
Oil / petroleum1
Rail transport1