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CDM abbr.stresses
bank. банкомат с возможностью приёма наличности (cash deposit machine Millie)
clim. МЧР (механизм чистого развития)
electr.eng. ПМП (полный модуль привода ssn)
media. кодовое уплотнение каналов (метод уплотнения нескольких псевдослучайных последовательностей с расширенным спектром на одной несущей, используется спутниковым ретранслятором с обработкой CDMA-сигналов на борту)
solid.st.phys. МРП (механика рассеянных повреждений – continuous damage mechanics Darkwing duck)
space ХТМ (холодная тёмная материя MichaelBurov)
Λ-CDM abbr.
space модель ΛCDM (MichaelBurov); инфляционная стандартная космологическая модель Лямбда-CDM (MichaelBurov); модель Лямбда-CDM (MichaelBurov); согласованная космологическая модель Лямбда-CDM (MichaelBurov); модель с холодной тёмной материей и Лямбда-членом (MichaelBurov); согласованная модель космологии с Большим Взрывом (MichaelBurov)
ΛCDM abbr.
space модель ΛCDM (MichaelBurov); инфляционная стандартная космологическая модель Лямбда-CDM (MichaelBurov); модель Лямбда-CDM (MichaelBurov); согласованная космологическая модель Лямбда-CDM (MichaelBurov); модель с холодной тёмной материей и Лямбда-членом (MichaelBurov); согласованная модель космологии с Большим Взрывом (MichaelBurov)
cdm abbr.
gen. кубический дециметр
 English thesaurus
CDM abbr.
abbr. Comical Defense Mechanism; Centralised Data Modules; Consolidated Diamond Mines of South West Africa
abbr., auto. chassis dynamometer
abbr., avia. collaborative decision making (grafleonov); Collaborative Decision-Making; CATIA data management; configuration data management; change description memorandum; ceramic die model; communication/data manager; compound document management
abbr., clim. meccanismo di sviluppo pulito
abbr., commun. code switch
abbr., comp., net. Custom Device Module; compound document mail
abbr., comp., net., IT Collaborative Decision Making
abbr., construct. cement deep mixing (MichaelBurov); Construction Design and Management (aht)
abbr., earth.sc. Central Davis Mountains; consolidated diamond mines; Consolidated Diamond Mines of South West Africa Co., Ltd.; consolidated diamond mining
abbr., ed., scient. Construction Design Management
abbr., el. Charged Device Model (qark); cable data modem; card decoding machine; carrier density modulation; character display mode; charge density method; cluster development method; color-division multiplexing; companded delta modulation; constant deviation monochromator; continuous delta modulation; critical dimension measurement (tool)
abbr., el., scient. Common Device Model for SAB
abbr., electr.eng. complete drive module (ssn)
abbr., file.ext. Music format (compressed Vosoni)
abbr., IT Code Division Multiplexing; Collection And Database Management; Music format; conceptual data model (Bricker); code-division multiplex; color division multiplexing
abbr., life.sc. chemical defined medium
abbr., meteorol. Cardioid Dynamic Microphone; Chronic Disease Management (лечение хронических заболеваний Acruxia)
abbr., mil. Cable Driver Modem; Cartridge-Dispenser Module (e.g., on aircraft); cable driver modem; collateral damage methodology
abbr., mil., avia. cartridge disk memory
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. methyldethanolamine
abbr., oil continuous dipmeter; California Division of Mines (and Geology); code division multiplex; constant density mixer; continuum damage mechanics
abbr., opt. capacitive discharge mode
abbr., progr., IT Custom Development Method
abbr., pwr.lines. code division multiplexing
abbr., scottish Coastal Defence Missile
abbr., solid.st.phys. continuous damage mechanics (Darkwing duck)
abbr., space cold dark matter (MichaelBurov); code division multiplexing system; common digital map; corona diagnostic mission
abbr., telecom. coded division multiplex
abbr., tradem. Cadburys Dairy Milk; Centralized Data Modules
abbr., transp. Congestion/Demand Management
abbr., UN, clim. clean development mechanism
abbr., wood. cross direction
mil. contractor developed material
mil., abbr. chief decision makers; civil defense management; command detonated mine
tech. code-division multiplexing
tech., abbr. central data management; certified design material; compounded delta modulation; continuous diameter
cdm abbr.
unit.meas., AmE cubic decimeter
unit.meas., BrE cubic decimetre
cdm. abbr.
abbr., met. cubic decimeter
: 68 phrases in 8 subjects
Electrical engineering2
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1