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CTS abbr.stresses
gen. готовность к приёму к DTE и показывающий
abbr. карат (вес ювелирных изделий terrarristka)
aerodyn. система захвата траектории (Captive Trajectory System EnglishAbeille)
busin. контейнеровоз (container ship); контейнерное судно
comp., net. сброс передатчика; синхронный коммуникационный терминал
Gruzovik, med. синдром карпального канала (carpal tunnel syndrome)
Gruzovik, polit. космический совсекретно (Cosmic Top Secret; классификация секретности в НАТО; касается информации, распространение которой может нанести исключительный ущерб НАТО)
Gruzovik, signall. готовность к передаче (clear to send)
lab.eq. блок работы с закрытыми пробирками (olga don)
logist. КТС (контейнерно-транспортная система, container transport system MichaelBurov)
market. Служба технической поддержки потребителей (Customer Technical Support ipesochinskaya)
O&G система транспортировки бурового шлама (Yeldar Azanbayev)
O&G, sakh. экран из медной ленты (Steblyanskiy)
progr. общая система типов (сокр. от common type system ssn); сброс передачи (сокр. от clear to send ssn)
tech. сертифицированный технический специалист (Certified Technology Specialist nelly the elephant)
telecom. сигнал "готов к передаче"
cts abbr.
mach. охлаждение через шпиндель (Colant through spindle teryoXin)
spectr. имп (4uzhoj)
CTs abbr.
telecom. таблицы CT (oleg.vigodsky)
 English thesaurus
CTS abbr.
abbr. charge transfer state; contact temperature sensor; continuous time system; cab-tyre sheath; cab-tyre sheathed; Cash To Spend; Certified Technology Specialist; Certified Temporary Staffing; Certified Trauma Specialist; Christian Team Servers; Cadet Training Ship; Career Technology Studies; Certified Temporary Specialists; Change Tracking System; Chief, Technical Services; Cipher Text Stealing (mode, Verschluesselung); Cleveland Transit System; Clinical Technical Support; close to shoulder; Cluster Testing System; Combined Trading System; Commercial To Space; Common Targeting System; Common Transport Semantics (IBM); Common Type System (OOP, CLR, MS, .NET, CLS); Community Television Station; Compatibility Test Suite (Sun, J2EE); Compatible Timesharing System; complete timing set (A Hun); Compulsive Traveller's Syndrome; Compulsive Travellers Syndrome (hum. сокр.); Conformance Test System; Contralateral Threshold Shift; Controlled Thermal Severity; Corporate Translation Services; count per second; Cross Table Sampling; customer technical support (lxu5); Cotton Testing Service
abbr., astronaut. Communication Technology Satellite
abbr., auto. charge temperature switch (Chrysler); coolant temperature sensor; Cadillac tour sport; Conti tyre system; coolant temperature switch
abbr., avia. cabin temperature system; component technical specifications; Chitose, Japan; control temperature sensor (Interex); common time source; cabin temperature selector; captive trajectory system; carrier tracking system; certification test specification; cold tank system; communication and tracking subsystem; component technical specification; component test specification; computer test set; contractor technical services; contrast; conversational terminal services; cut to size
abbr., BrE central tactical system; Culler - Tiler - Singler
abbr., busin. certificates; crates
abbr., comp., MS Common Type System (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., comp., net. communication terminal synchronous
abbr., comp., net., IT Component Transaction Server
abbr., earth.sc. cable telemeter system's; Canadian Test Satellite; Canadian Topographical Survey; cartographic test-standard; central telemetry system; chitosan
abbr., ed. Critical Thinking Skills
abbr., ed., scient. Classroom Technology Services
abbr., el. capacitance transient spectroscopy; capacitive touch screen; carrier transfer station; cassette transfer system; central terminal system; central transmitting station; channel time slot; channel tuning system; charge transfer spectrum; Chinese tutoring system; chip-to-substrate interconnection; circuit test set; coaxial terminal switch; combined test stand; comet-tail suppression; common test station; communications terminal synchronous; communication test station; composite television signal; computer telegraph system; computer typesetting system; conversational terminal service; conversational time-sharing (system); credit telephone service; current transient spectroscopy; cut through switching; conformance testing service
abbr., electr.eng. cable tyre sheath
abbr., file.ext. Common Test Subroutines; Computer Telephony Solution (IBM); Customer Telephone System; Permanent location contents (ABC programming language)
abbr., gas.proc. Cold Tip Swirler (ixtra)
abbr., IT conversational terminal system; Call Tracking System; Clear To Send; Consolidated Tape System; Cordless Telephone System
abbr., logist. container transport system (MichaelBurov)
abbr., med. Cardiothoracic Surgery; Cardiotonic Steroids; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Cell Tranplant Society; Cold-tea Sign / Cold Tea Syndrome - Refers To The Several Cups Of Cold Tea On The Bedside Cabinet Beside A Dead Geriatric (i.e. No-one Noticed The Patient Had Died); Crazier Than Shit; Common Technical Specifications (aldrignedigen); contractual technical services; carpal tunnel syndrome
abbr., media. Crossroads Television System
abbr., met. computer tracking system; controlled thermal strength
abbr., mil. Conflict Tactic Scales; Contact Test Set; Clear to Send (communications protocol signal); contract technical services; commodity tracking system; Contingency Tracking System; controlled technical services
abbr., mil., air.def. conventional terrestrial system; communication and tracking subsystem
abbr., mil., avia. captive trajectory support
abbr., mil., WMD Contractor transportation support; CTR Transportation Support
abbr., multimed. dear to send
abbr., nautic., scient. Communications Technology Satellite
abbr., oil cable telemetry system; cable transmission system; cartographic test standard; cement to surface; central terminal station; central transportation system; central treatment station; command telemetry system; conformable transgressive surface; critical pore throat size; total counts; condensate to surface
abbr., oil.proc. Carbon Trust Standard (Seem)
abbr., pharma. Clinical Trial Specialist (Rada0414)
abbr., physiol. Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
abbr., physiol., med. Cardio Thoracic Surgery; Carpal tunnel syndrome
abbr., polym. container-transport system; continuous-time service
abbr., progr. clear to send (ssn); common type system (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Cognizant Technology Solutions
abbr., psychol. Conflict Tactics Scale (I. Havkin)
abbr., scottish Casualty Transport Ship; Common Termination System; Communications Training System; Composite Training Squadron (USAF); Computerized Tomography Scanner; Contingency Transfer System; Course Training Standards
abbr., space Canadian technology satellite; cesium time standard; circuit testing set; cloud top scanner; Colorado tracking station; crew training station
abbr., st.exch. C T S Corporation
abbr., telecom. clear-to-send; carrier test switch; continuous transverse stub (непрерывный поперечный настроечный шлейф semfromshire)
abbr., tradem. Carmichael Training Systems
abbr., transp. Catera Touring Sedan; Commodity Transportation Survey
abbr., traumat. calcific tendinitis of the shoulde (iwona)
abbr., typogr. cold type system; computerized typesetting system
abbr., WTO Council for Trade in Services (shpak_07)
comp. cut-trough switching
energ.ind. component test set
mil. central target simulator; central training section; command and telemetry system; communications test set; components test set; computerized training system; contractor technical support; cosmic top secret; courier transfer station; course training standard
tech. communications and tracking subsystem; communications and tracking system; communications technician, special devices operator; communications technological satellite; communications test station; compact tension specimen; component test system; concentrate transfer system; condensate transfer and storage; containment spray system; cryogenic temperature sensor; current technical specification
cts abbr.
abbr. centimes
abbr., earth.sc. carats
insur. Cents
cts. abbr.
abbr., commer. cents; crates
abbr., econ. certificates
econ. centimes (Seregaboss)
Cts abbr.
abbr. a factor used during a proving to adjust the temperature of the prover to a standard temperature; the correction for temperature of steel
CTs abbr.
med. Clinical Trials (Andrey Truhachev)
: 21 phrases in 5 subjects
Automated equipment1
Computer networks2