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REC nstresses
environ. признанное экологически опасное состояние (Recognized Environmental Condition means the presence or likely presence of a hazardous material at a property: (A) due to a release; (B) under conditions indicative of a release to the environment; or (C) under conditions that pose a material threat of a future release to the lawinsider.com DRE)
media. обозначение кнопки управления видеомагнитофоном, при нажатии на которую записываются видео-и аудиосигналы
O&G, karach. РЭК (Aiduza); Западно-Казахстанская региональная распределительная сетевая энергокомпания
Игорь Миг, int. law. региональное экономическое сообщество
Игорь Миг, int.rel. региональные экономические сообщества
rec n
dril. утилизация отходов (recovery)
rec. n
SAP.tech. запись
Rec. n
media. запись (recording, обозначение режима записи видеофонограммы и соответствующей клавиши управления, осуществляющей его включение)
REC abbr.
ed. НОЦ (при российских университетах Ramzess); научно-образовательный центр (Ramzess)
survey. Процент выхода керна (Percent Core Recovery danylok)
rec abbr.
dril. отдача (recovery); нефтеотдача (recovery); восстановление (recovery); ловильный (recovering; об устройстве)
genet. рекомбинантная хромосома (символ, используемый в цитогенетике человека; при написании формулы соматического кариотипа dimock)
 English thesaurus
REC abbr.
abbr., soviet. regional executive committee (igisheva)
rec abbr.
abbr. recommend (plushkina)
Rec. abbr.
abbr., chem. rectifier
abbr., earth.sc. record
abbr., telecom. Recommendation; receiver
REC abbr.
abbr. Random Environment Contest; Reading Enlightenment And Contemplation; Reality Enforcement Commission; receive; receiver; recess; record; Recreational Education Community; Recruitment And Employment Confederation; Reformed Episcopal Church; Regional Engineering College; Renewable Energy Credit; Requirements Evaluation Committee; Reserve Equalization Committee; Residents Encounter Christ; resin concrete; rem-equivalent-chemicals
abbr., auto. rear electronic center; recirculate; recirculating
abbr., avia. magnetic tape recorders, reproducers and ancillary equipment; Research and Experimentation Centre; recovery control; radio electronic combat; recessed
abbr., busin. recorder; resale contract
abbr., chem.ind. Reactor effluent compressor (Paul_K)
abbr., commun. Railway Emergency Call
abbr., dril. recover (usually pertains to an item lost or left in the hole)
abbr., el. radio-electronic combat; recommendation; rotary erase current; reticle error compensation; reverse error control
abbr., energ.ind. Renewable Energy Certificate (A renewable energy certificate, or REC (pronounced: [rek]), is a market-based instrument that represents the property rights to the environmental, social and other non-power attributes of renewable electricity generation. RECs are issued when one megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity is generated and delivered to the electricity grid from a renewable energy resource.: Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), also known as Green tags, Renewable Energy Credits, Renewable Electricity Certificates, or Tradable Renewable Certificates (TRCs), are tradable, non-tangible energy commodities in the United States that represent proof that 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity was generated from an eligible renewable energy resource (renewable electricity) and was fed into the shared system of power lines which transport energy. wikipedia.org)
abbr., file.ext. Record (Sprint); Windows Recorder Macro
abbr., IT Request for Engineering Change
abbr., logist. Russian Export Center (АО "Российский экспортный центр" Ying)
abbr., mil. Receive; Received; Radioelectronic Combat (Soviet EW); Receiver-Exciter-Controller; Reconnaissance
abbr., mil., air.def. radio electronic warfare
abbr., mil., avia. radioelectronic radio electromagnetic combat
abbr., mil., WMD Raytheon Engineers and Constructors; Record of Environmental Compliance; Record of Environmental Consideration
abbr., nautic. Recife, Brazil
abbr., nucl.phys. rem equivalent chemical
abbr., oil recommend; recovered
abbr., org.name. Executive Board Secretariat and Inter-agency Affairs Service; Regional Economic Communities; Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe
abbr., physiol. Rear End Collision
abbr., physiol., med. Recommend
abbr., post Remote Encoding Center (15 in 2006 before END implemented, predict 5 to 8 afterwards)
abbr., scottish Regional Emergency Committee
el. Recording
energ.ind. regional electricity company
meteorol. receiver/receive
mil. radioelectronic combat; refugee evacuation center; regional evaluation center; request for engineering change
physiol. Rear end collision; Recurrent
tech. radiant energy conversion; rectifier
rec abbr.
abbr. recipe; reclamation; recorded; recovery; recreation; recreation ground
abbr., auto. receiver recall
abbr., dril. receipt; reciprocal
abbr., el. recording
abbr., mil. recreation REC
rec. abbr.
abbr. receipt; received (Lena Nolte); recorded; reclamation; reconstruction; reconstructed; recovery
abbr., earth.sc. reciprocal; recorder
abbr., econ. reception
abbr., geol. reconnaissance
Rec. abbr.
law records
Rec abbr.
abbr. rectory; recent; recover (andrushin); Reynolds number at cyclone
abbr., med., lat. recens
REC. abbr.
abbr., file.ext. Recreation (USENET Newsgroup Category)
rec- abbr.
abbr., genet. recombination deficient mutant of bacteria
.rec abbr.
file.ext. Recorder (file name extension); Recreational or Entertainment Activities (Domain Name, Internet)
recpt abbr.
abbr. receipt (Vosoni)
ReC abbr.
abbr., med. recombinant chromosome
Rec: 76 phrases in 22 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Chemical industry1
Mass media29
Oil and gas2
Penitentiary system1
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Prison slang1
SAP finance3