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NN abbr.stresses
cardiol. общее количество RR интервалов синусового происхождения (Midnight_Lady)
chess.term. неизвестный соперник (taviskaron); любитель (taviskaron); в записи партии неизвестный игрок; обозначение игрока, имя которого неизвестно (пишется латинскими буквами и в русском тексте)
dent.impl. узкая шейка 3,5 мм (MichaelBurov); система протезирования "Нэроу Нек" (MichaelBurov); имплантат с узкой шейкой (MichaelBurov); система NN (MichaelBurov)
mil. диметилпальматамид (ОВ)
pharm. национальный номер (Лорина)
nn abbr.
progr. нейронная сеть (dorywhatever)
 English thesaurus
NN abbr.
abbr. Narcolepsy Network; Northern Neck; Nameless Nobody; Network Node; Nightmare Ninjas; Nonlinear And Narrow; Northern Nevada Railroad Corporation; Numb Nuts; Nurturing Network; noon (Karabas); nearest neighbor algorithm; naphthylazonaphthoic acid
abbr., auto. neutralization number; Nissan
abbr., avia. need; notification of nonconformance
abbr., chem. ammonium nitrate
abbr., chem., scient. Nano- Crystal
abbr., comp., net., IT Nearest Neighbor; Neural Network
abbr., dent.impl. implant NN (MichaelBurov); Narrow Neck (MichaelBurov); Narrow Neck implant (MichaelBurov); Narrow Neck Prosthetic System (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. nearest-neighbor method; neural network approach; Norilsk Nikel
abbr., ed., scient. Nomen Nescio
abbr., el. narrow network; national network; nearest-neighbor; nervous network; network neighborhood; network number; neuron network
abbr., inet. Next New; Night Night; No News
abbr., IT Not Null
abbr., law No Names; No Notice
abbr., math., scient. Nearest Neighbors
abbr., med. Nurse Notes; New Name (Lat. Nomen Novum); Nevocellular Nevus
abbr., media. Netscreen News; Nevada News
abbr., mil. Neutral Network; No No; Non Nuclear
abbr., mil., air.def. network nod
abbr., mil., avia. names
abbr., numism. Numismatic News
abbr., oil neutron rate count; neural nerve network; Non-aligned Nations; no name; non-negotiable; not to be noted
abbr., opt. neural network
abbr., pharm. national number (Лорина)
abbr., polym. nonbonded nearest neighbours
abbr., progr., IT Netscape Navigator
abbr., st.exch. Newbridge Networks Corporation
energ.ind. negative normal; non-nuclear; nondimensional number
oil, abbr. normal null
physiol., med. Neonatal; Nerves
tech. natural neutron; nearest neighbor classifier; nearest neighbor, nearest neighboring; neutron number
NN. abbr.
abbr., lat. Nostris ("to our" with a plural); Numeri ("numbers")
nn abbr.
abbr. notes; nouns
abbr., med. nerves
nN abbr.
abbr. density of neutrons
nn. abbr.
abbr. note, notes (footnote, footnotes Vosoni)
NN университето
: 34 phrases in 15 subjects
Artificial intelligence1
Computer networks1
Dental implantology2
Information technology12
Rail transport2