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CF nstresses
O&G полностью отказавший (completely faulty)
O&G, sakh. фут
textile углеродное волокно (carbon fiber Yuriy83)
cfs [kən'teɪnə freɪt 'steɪʃən] n
O&G кубические футы в секунду (cubic feet per second)
CF abbr.
gen. сырая клетчатка (crude fiber maxvet)
account. перенесено (carried forward); перенесённый на другую страницу (carried forward); перенесённый на будущий период (carried forward); пролонгированный (carried forward); перенесённый на другой счёт (carried forward); кассовая прибыль (cash flow); поток денежных средств (cash flow); приток денежных средств; чистая прибыль на кассовой основе (cash flow); к переносу (carried forward)
bus.styl. поправочный фактор, учитывающий наличие негомогенности (Katejkin)
electr.eng. форм-фактор (Crest Factor OlCher)
EU. Фонд Сплочения (Cohesion Fund chistochel)
fin. денежный поток (bookworm)
IT центральный файл; флаг переноса; обобщённые средства; контекстно-независимый
math. поправочный коэффициент (correction factor); характеристическая функция (characteristic function)
med. сердечная недостаточность (Александр Стерляжников)
mil. Си-Эф (ОВ общеядовитого действия)
O&G, sakh. куб. фут
O&G, sakh.a. футup 3
oil заполненный глинистым материалом (clay filled)
pharm. муковисцидоз (mazurov)
photo. формат флеш-памяти, появился одним из первых. (CompactFlash universe!)
polygr. с покрытием на лицевой стороне (coated front Alexander Oshis)
polym. крезолоформальдегидная смола (Yuriy83); КРФ (Yuriy83)
SAP.tech. система управляющих элементов
tech. фланец обсадной колонны (casing flange)
cf abbr.
abbr. стандартный кубический фут (Johnny Bravo)
adv. рекламный фильм
Gruzovik, scient. центробежная сила (centrifugal force)
tech. КП
cf. abbr.
gen. бейсбол: центральный полевой игрок
abbr., book.bind. переплёт из телячьей кожи
busin. сравните (confer)
gram. сравни; сравни (от confer); ср.; ср.
mus. лейтмотив
Cf abbr.
dril. кокфилд (Cockfield; свита группы клайборн эоцена третичной системы)
tech. калифорний
 English thesaurus
Cf abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. canfieldite
abbr., oil Cockfield
CF abbr.
abbr. Case File; Cash Flow; Cold Fusion; Cubic Feet; Call Forward; Canadian French; Crude Fiber; certainty factor; command function key; cash How; Cantus Firmus; Cape Fear Railways Incorporated; Captive Farmed; cardiac failure; Cardiac Float; carrier-free (Vosoni); Carry Flag (Assembler); Carry Forward; Ceramic Fiber; Charter One Financial, Inc.; Chief of Finance; Chosen Few; Cluster Fuck; Coated Front; Colds And Flu; Collection Frequency; Commercial Film; Compact Framework (MS, .NET); Compartment Facility; Computation Flag; Concentrated Fire; Concern Foundation; Conductivity Factor; Confer For; Connecting Flight; controlled feedback; Corn Flour; Correlation Function; Corresponding Fellow; Critical Failure; Cure Found; Curriculum Framework; Custom Formulated; Customs Form; Consume with Food; centre of flotation; Chemists' Federation; circular filter; crystal-field; corrector factor; Cluster F
abbr., account. cash flow
abbr., anim.husb. Committee of Fisheries; Committee of Fisheries FAO; crude fider
abbr., auto. clean fuel; convenience featurefacility
abbr., automat. cold finished
abbr., avia. Course to Fix (Natalya Rovina); card file; cold-finished; cross functional; centre frequency; canopy frame; carrier free; casting and forging; cement floor; central files; central frequency; central fuselage; change to frequency; check template; clamping fixture; close fit; control wheel force; cost factor; course a fixed waypoint; cutting force; cutting speed
abbr., BrE Chaplain to the Forces
abbr., busin. calf; carbolfuchsin; cargo fall; carriage forward; certificate of insurance; cold finish; Committee on Finance; common fund; compare; compensation fee; confer; confirm; consistency figure; container freight; counterpart fund; corrugated furnace
abbr., cartogr. centre of fence
abbr., chem. carbol-fuchsin; conducting furnace black
abbr., chem., scient. Californium
abbr., commun. colour framing
abbr., comp. context-free (см. также CS Dmitry)
abbr., comp., IT Compact Flash
abbr., comp., net. central file; Common Facilities; context free
abbr., cosmet. crow’s feet (ННатальЯ)
abbr., crim.law. correctional facility (igisheva)
abbr., earth.sc. capacity factor; cationic flocculants; cationized ferritin; centre of floatation; cold front; common factor; complementary function; compound fistulipores; condition factor; configuration functions; convective flow; counter flow; cross flights; crystal field; cubic function
abbr., EBRD carried forward
abbr., econ. complexity factor; price cost freight price
abbr., ed. Cross Reference
abbr., el. cubic foot; card feeding; centralized filter; choice function; chromatical aberration free; circular field; cladding fiber; coherence function; coherent field; coherent Foucault imaging; color filter; color framing; common facility; communications facility; compressed file; conjunctive form; continuous film; contrast function; control field; core function; corrupted file; counterflow; critical field; crystalline field; cubic ferromagnet; customer-focused
abbr., el., scient. Center Frequency; Characteristic Frequency
abbr., electr.eng. carbon fiber; collapse of frequency; conversion factor
abbr., EU. Cohesion Fund
abbr., expl. cresol-formaldehyde (resin)
abbr., fish.farm. condition factor (ungutted body weight (g)/body length (cm) iwona)
abbr., food.ind. concentration factor
abbr., footb. centerfield
abbr., genet. cleavage factor
abbr., geophys. coarse-fine
abbr., IT Call Forwarding; Configuration File; Control Function; carry flag; control footing; count forward; critical frequency
abbr., lab.eq. Clotting Factor; Colony Formation; Culture Fluid
abbr., law Canadian Forces
abbr., mach.mech. centrifugal (igisheva)
abbr., med. Calf Blood Flow; Cancer-free; Cardiac Failure; Cardiac Fibroblast; Chest And Left Leg (lead In Electrocardiography); Chiari-Frommel (syndrome); Cockroach Factor - A Patient's Ability To Survive Trauma Or Serious Treatment Is Inversely Proportional To His Contribution To Society.; Cystic Fibrosis; cystic fibrosis; Christmas factor; complement fixation (Vosoni); coronary flow (коронарный кровоток Dimpassy); cardiac-floating (tempomixa); coupling factor; calibration factor; cardiac floating; chemotactic factor; chest and left foot; Chiari-Frommel syndrome; citrovorum factor; citrovorum folinic acid; clumping factor; collagen fibril; colonofiberscope; complement fixation test; contractile force; count fingers; Cyclophosphanum, Phtoruracilum; cytotoxic factor; congestive heart failure
abbr., met. cathode follower; crack free
abbr., mil. Control Functions; Canadian forces; carrier furnished; causeway ferry; conventional forces; drift error confidence factor; cluster foulup
abbr., mining. carriage free; circle filter
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. foam mixture
abbr., oil casing flange; clay filled; completion factor; constant frequency; correction factor; cubic feet; concentration field; carbon fibre; carbon film; card feed; Carpenter function; carrier filter; caustic flooding; cement fill; center of floatation; center of the field; center to face; Central Africa; characteristic frequencies; checking fixture; chemical flooding; coefficient of friction; coke factor; cold finishing; combination flooding; combined feed; commutation factor; Comoros Franc; compaction factor; compare factor; completion fluid; connecting frame; cost and freight; counterpart funds; cresol-formaldehyde resin; crest factor; cross fade; crude fibre; cut fluorescence; cutting fluid
abbr., ophtalm. counting fingers (счёт пальцев - мера остроты зрения: For example, a notation of “CF 3” on an eye report indicates an ability to count fingers on the examiner's hand at a distance of three feet. second-sense.org doc090)
abbr., org.name. Consultative Forum
abbr., pharm. calcium folinate
abbr., phys., scient. Cross Flow
abbr., physiol. Cervical Fluid; Colds and Flu
abbr., polit. Central African Republic; Congo
abbr., polym. calendered film; carbon-fiber; cold forming; conductive furnace; cornering force
abbr., progr. composition filters (ssn); coupling facility (ssn)
abbr., publ.util. communal facilities (igisheva)
abbr., qual.cont. completely failed
abbr., scient. Chronic Fatigue; Conceptual Framework
abbr., scottish type abbreviation River gunboat, (Peruvian Navy); Carrier Frequency; Citizen Force (South Africa); Controlled Fragmentation
abbr., space capacity fuze; check flight; control facility; cost function
abbr., tech. cooling fan; coverage factor
abbr., tel. Coin First (payphone)
econ. certificate (dimock)
energ.ind. cascade failure; cloth filter; condensate filter; correction function; corrosion fatigue
mil. cable firing; cable fuzing; center-fire; coastal frontier; combined function; concept feasibility; concept formulation; contact fuze; contingency force; control function; controlled facility; copy furnished; correlation factor; counterattack force; counterfire; covering force
O&G circulation flash
physiol. Compare, refer to
tech. cable fusing; cable, functional; call finder; cash inflow; Cassegrain feed; center of flotation; characteristic function; charge follower; chopping frequency; circuit finder; clock frequency; clutter factor; coarse fill; coarse fine; collector family; column feed; comb filter; conducting film; conducting furnace; confinement factor; continuous flow; control flag; conversion facility; conversion frequency; core flooding; coupling film; cowl-to-end-of-frame; cresol formaldehyde; crystal filter; current feedback; current force; cut film
cf abbr.
abbr. carried forward; centrifugal force; Centripetal Force; Contemporary Force; cubic foot; coastal fighter
abbr., earth.sc. conformist
abbr., med. cystic fibrosis; colored female
abbr., sport. centre field; centre fielder; centre forward
abbr., textile cover factor
baseb. center fielder
O&G casing flowing; formation compressibility
sport. center forward
cf. abbr.
abbr. compare (Vosoni); confirm; confirmed
abbr., gram. compare (http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/cf-?showCookiePolicy=true ssn)
abbr., typogr. calf
construct. cubic foot
econ. confer (Seregaboss)
lat. Confer ("compare with")
Cf abbr.
abbr. fluid conductivity; shape factor; Californium; cooled in furnace (Vosoni)
abbr., med. colicinogenic factor
energ.ind. carbon content in fly ash; cleanliness factor
α-CF abbr.
abbr., el. amorphous carbon fluoride
f finger: 56 phrases in 26 subjects
Electrical engineering1
Lighting other than cinema1
Oil / petroleum1
Oil and gas2
Oil and gas technology2
Textile industry1