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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
ism ['ɪz(ə)m] nstresses
gen. направление; течение
contempt. доктрина; учение; теория
-ism n
Makarov. -изм (образует абстрактные сущ. от именных основ)
ISM ['ɪz(ə)m] n
cycl. фрезеровка обода между спицами (Inter Spoke Milling (технология фирмы Mavic для облегчения обода) Don Sebastian)
el.mach. диапазон частот IS (диапазон радиочастот, зарезервированный для разновидностей применения, отличных от электросвязи. Примеры: диэлектрический нагрев, микроволновые печи и т.п. resurc); диапазон "промышленность-наука-медицина" (resurcat); диапазон частот ISM (диапазон радиочастот, зарезервированный для разновидностей применения, отличных от электросвязи. Примеры: диэлектрический нагрев, микроволновые печи и т.п. resurcat)
foundr. индукционная гарнисажная плавка (induction skull melting Darkwing duck)
Gruzovik, mil. наставление по защите секретной информации в промышленности США МО США (Industrial Security Manual for Safeguarding Classified Information)
mater.sc. ИСМ (MichaelBurov); Институт сверхтвёрдых материалов (MichaelBurov); Институт сверхтвёрдых материалов имени В. Н. Бакуля (MichaelBurov); Институт сверхтвёрдых материалов им. В. Н. Бакуля НАН Украины (MichaelBurov)
nautic. международное управление судами (International Ship Management dragster)
oil руководство по технике безопасности на производстве (industrial security manual)
ISM Institute for Supply Management ['ɪz(ə)m] abbr.
abbr. Институт управления снабжением (ghinie)
 English thesaurus
ism ['ɪz(ə)m] abbr.
abbr., med. ion-selective membrane
ISM ['ɪz(ə)m] abbr.
abbr. I Support Murder; Industrial, Science, Medical (= 2,4 GHz , WLAN); Industry Science And Medicine; Intelligent System Of Music; industry segment manager (Сабу)
abbr., AI. Industry, Science, Medical
abbr., astronaut. InterStellar Medium
abbr., auto. inclination sensor module; intelligent service module
abbr., avia. IOSA Standards Manual (Elena-LS); IIDS System Manual; industry security manual; information system for management; input signal management; input signal monitor; integrated sustainment maintenance
abbr., el. ISDN subscriber module; Internet service manager; image shearing microscope; impurity segregation model; independent subcarrier method; industrial, scientific and medical application; information system management; in-service monitoring; instruction set model; insulator-semiconductor-metal structure; integrated system management; intermediate service module; intermediate storage module; interpretive structural modeling; inverse scattering method
abbr., file.ext. Integrated Services Model (IETF)
abbr., IT Internet Management Specification; Industry Structure Model; Information Security Management
abbr., mater.sc. Institute for Superhard Materials (MichaelBurov)
abbr., med. Industrial-scientific-medical (telemedicine, Wireless Transmission); Information Source Map (UMLS); International Society Of Microbiologists; Information Santé Multimédia. Information System Medical. Informations System Für Die Medecine. Información Sistema Médico
abbr., mil. Industrial, Science, and Medical (frequency bands)
abbr., mil., avia. image sensor module
abbr., nautic. International Safety Management Code (Wiki arturmoz)
abbr., polym. International Standards Method
abbr., scottish Improved Sensing Munition; Integrated Sight Module
abbr., tech. Image-Suppression Mixer (Vosoni); Items Subject to Maintenance (peuplier_8)
Apollo-Soyuz, abbr. interface sealing mechanism
el., abbr. Inductor super magnetron
mil. improved sensing munitions
mil., abbr. informal staff memorandum; information system manager; infrared system manufacturing; interim surface missile
tech., abbr. industrial, scientific and medical equipment
ISM ['ɪz(ə)m] abbr.
abbr. in service monitoring; international standard method
abbr., avia. igniter safety mechanism; illumination sensor module; inertial system mount; interactive storage media; intelligent synchronous multiplexer; interface subscriber module; internet server manager
abbr., comp., net. industrial, scientific and medical; Internet service manager
abbr., earth.sc. International Society of Mine Surveying; indexed sequential modeling; in situ microcosm; interactive surface modelling; interface switching module; International Society for Mine Surveying; International Soil Museum; interpretive structural modeling method; interstellar matter; isothermal solution mixing
abbr., fin. Institute of Supply Management
abbr., oil industrial security manual; integrative surface modeling; International Safety Management; International Standards Methods
abbr., space Institut Suisse de Meteorologie; intercontinental strategic missile
abbr., sport. Institute of Sports Medicine
abbr., sport., med. institute of sports medicine
abbr., tech. International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and Pollution Prevention
ism: 50 phrases in 18 subjects
Aluminium industry1
Corporate governance1
Stock Exchange1
Trade unions1