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 English thesaurus
RIN abbr.
abbr. Recipient Identification Number; Rin Tin Tin; radio inertial; Regulation Identifier Number (assigned by the Regulatory Information Service Center to identify each regulatory action listed in the Unified Agenda and The Regulatory Plan, as directed by Executive Order 12866 (section 4(b)). Additionally, OMB has asked agencies to include RINs in the headings of their Rule and Proposed Rule documents when publishing them in the Federal Register to make it easier for the public and agency officials to track the publication history of regulatory actio ns throughout their development. Alex Lilo)
abbr., avia. Ringi Cove, Solomon Islands
abbr., comp., net., IT Resource Identification Number
abbr., ed., scient. Rensselaer Identification Number; Research Information Network
abbr., IT Record Identification Number
abbr., med. Rich Interactive Narratives
abbr., mil. Radiation Information Network
abbr., opt. relative intensity noise
abbr., pharm. rat insulinoma (Игорь_2006)
abbr., scottish Royal Institute of Navigation
abbr., sport. Racer Identification Number
abbr., transp. Registration Identification Number
mil. record identification number; regular inertial navigator; report identification number
RIN abbr.
abbr., ecol. Renewable Identification Number (lexicographer)
abbr., el. register input; regular inertial navigation
abbr., IT Role Interaction Network
: 18 phrases in 5 subjects
Cosmetics and cosmetology1