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FILO ['fiːlǝʊ] nstresses
water.res. память магазинного типа (first in - last out, первым вошёл - последним вышел)
FILO ['fiːlǝʊ] abbr.
abbr. первым прибыл
Gruzovik, account. магазинного типа (first in, last out; method of inventory valuation based on the assumption that goods are sold or used in the opposite chronological order in which they are bought)
Gruzovik, IT первым пришёл – последним ушёл (first in, last out)
IT стек; магазин
filo ['fiːlǝʊ] adj.
cook. разновидность слоёного теста (mrsgreen)
textile вышивальный шёлк
 English thesaurus
FILO ['fiːlǝʊ] abbr.
abbr. First In Last Out see also FIFO; First in Last Out
abbr., el. first-in, last out
abbr., IT first in - last out
FILO ['fiːlǝʊ] abbr.
abbr. First In Last Out see also >
abbr., IT first in, last out (Bricker); first-in last-out
abbr., logist. free in liner out (Alezhka)
abbr., nautic. Free In/Liner Out (Seafreight with which the shipper pays load costs and the carrier pays for discharge costs)
mil. first-in, last-out
: 6 phrases in 6 subjects
Textile industry1
Water resources1