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OSF abbr.stresses
gen. Серная установка наземного комплекса (Onshore Sulphur facilities Wunduniik)
comp., net. Фонд открытого программного обеспечения; консорциум OSF
energ.ind. поверхность теплообмена со смещёнными просечными рёбрами (offset strip fin Nikitin-PRO)
foreig.aff. Фонд "Открытое общество" (MichaelBurov)
med. пластинки для рассасывания (Orally Soluble Film [email protected])
O&G, sakh. внешнее поверхностное трение (Outside Surface Friction)
oil фланец эксплуатационной колонны (oil string flange)
 English thesaurus
OSF abbr.
abbr. Office of Space Flight; One Sick Fuck; Open Society Institute (Soros Foundations Network ВВладимир); Operations System Function (IN); Oppose Sun Forever (aka Open Software Foundation, Slang, organization); Order of St Francis; Order of St. Francis; operation system function
abbr., avia. operating system function; operation service function
abbr., el. on-screen formatting; operating system firmware; optical self-focusing; outgoing sender frame; oxidation-induced stacking faults; oxygen-induced stacking faults
abbr., el., scient. Open Systems Foundation
abbr., foreig.aff. Open Society Foundation (MichaelBurov)
abbr., health., med. Order Of St Francis
abbr., inf. onshore sulphur facility (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., IT Outrage Sound Format; output field separator
abbr., math., scient. Optimal Solutions Found
abbr., med. Open Software Foundation; Organ System Failure; Osteoclast-stimulating Factor; Outer Spiral Fiber; Overgrowth Stimulating Factor
abbr., media. Old Style Figures
abbr., mil. Object Strike Force; Observed Support Frequency; Operational Support Facility
abbr., nautic., scient. Operation Support Facility
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Onshore Stabilization Facilities; Outside Surface Friction
abbr., O&G, sakh. Onshore Stabilization Facility
abbr., oil oil string flange; oil-shale fuel; Opening Software Foundation
abbr., opt. optically shaped film
abbr., relig. Order Of Saint Francis
abbr., scottish Optronique Sectuer Frontale (Optronic Sector System for Rafale (France))
abbr., st.exch. Osaka Stock Futures 50
abbr., tradem. Open Source Folks
energ.ind. on-site facility
mil. ordnance storage facility
tech. optical signal filtering
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Computer networks1