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ASO abbr.stresses
astr. ареостационарная орбита (DaredevilS)
astronaut. АСО (areostationary orbit; ареостационарная орбита MichaelBurov)
comp. оптимизация страницы мобильного приложения (ASO (App Store Optimization) — это эффективный канал привлечения пользователей. Оптимизация позволяет поднять приложение в топ App Store и Google Play, увеличить органические установки и количество заинтересованных юзеров Islet)
genet. allele-specific oligonucleotide, аллель-специфический олигонуклеотид, АСО (Олигонуклеотид, полностью комплементарный одному из аллелей гена Liolichka)
oil.proc. кислоторастворимые масла (TatsianaK)
surg. операция артериального переключения (arterial switch operation umidasadykova)
telecom. отключение аналогового вещания (ASO – Analogue Shut Off, осуществляется при переходе на цифровое радио- и телевещание vladiyer)
 English thesaurus
ASO abbr.
abbr. auxiliary switch breaker normally open; app store optimization (Artjaazz); allele-specific oligonucleotide
abbr., avia. acoustic system operator; air signal officer; air situation officer; air staff order; air support office; aircraft supply officer; assembly order; auxiliary switch normally open
abbr., gen.eng. antisense oligonucleotide (MichaelBurov); anti-sense oligonucleotide (MichaelBurov)
abbr., med. antistreptolysin O; antistreptolysin О
abbr., mil., BrE Army signal officer
abbr., oil.proc. acid soluble oil (zsmith)
abbr., progr. application service object (ssn)
abbr., shipb. American Society of Oceanography
el., abbr. Automatic shutoff
immunol., abbr. Antistreptolysin O titer
mil., abbr. Air Staff officer; Army space office; aeronautics supply office; aeronautics supply officer; air surveillance officer; alarm system operation; ammunition supply officer; area safety officer; area specialist officer; area supply officer; armament supply officer; aviation supply office; aviation supply officer
physiol., abbr. Arteriosclerosis Obliterans
tech., abbr. auxiliary switch, normally open
TV, abbr. active sideband optimum
ASO abbr.
abbr. Acid-soluble oil (Yakov); Administrative Service Officer
abbr., astronaut. areostationary orbit (MichaelBurov)
abbr., avia. aeronautical station operator; aviation safety officer
abbr., biotechn. allele specific oligonucleotide
abbr., BrE area security office
abbr., busin. and so on
abbr., earth.sc. alternative stochastic optimization method; Australian Survey Office
abbr., file.ext. Assembler Object object-oriented file
abbr., inet. app store optimisation (ВосьМой); application store optimisation (ВосьМой); appstore optimisation (ВосьМой)
abbr., lab.eq. Anti-Streptolysin O titer
abbr., market. App Store Optimization (IvanBurmistrov)
abbr., med. AIDS service organization; antisense oligonucleotide (aksolotle)
abbr., mil. advanced special operations; air support operations
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Administration of Sakhalin Oblast
abbr., oil acid soluble oil; acoustic stand-off; Admiralty Salvage Organization; American Society for Oceanography; auxiliary switch normally open
abbr., org.name. Arab Satellite Communications Organization
abbr., progr. application-service-object (ssn)
abbr., scottish Air Support Officer
abbr., space acoustic systems operator; air support operation; Australian Space Office
abbr., tech. Aviation Supply Office, US Navy; area of safe operation
mil. acoustic sensor operator
tech., mil., avia. advanced solar observatory
: 4 phrases in 1 subject