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LL [-əll] abbr.stresses
abbr. хозяин (дома/квартиры, сдаваемого в аренду = Landlord: LL wants to replace floor but refuses to pay for move or replacement accommodations ART Vancouver)
LLs abbr.
O&G БКм (MichaelBurov); диаграмма бокового каротажа малого радиуса исследования (MichaelBurov); Боковой каротаж малым зондом (Johnny Bravo)
 English thesaurus
LLS abbr.
abbr. Leukemia and Lymphoma Society; shallow investigation laterolog
abbr., auto. left lamp control; load levelling suspension; longitudinal leaf spring
abbr., avia. Las Lomitas, FO, Argentina; laser linescan system; left line select (key)
abbr., earth.sc. linear least-square
abbr., ed. Leadership And Life Skills; Learning Local Science
abbr., el. laser light scattering; local light scattering; load lock sputtering (system); low level selector; low level stage
abbr., el., scient. Localized light scatterer
abbr., germ., auto. Leerlaufsteller
abbr., law Long Lost Souls
abbr., med. Lazy Leukocyte Syndrome; linear least-squares rhythmometry
abbr., mil., avia. low-level simulation
abbr., O&G, sakh. shallow laterolog
abbr., oil Light Louisiana Sweet (MichaelBurov); Light Louisiana Sweet crude oil (MichaelBurov); LLS crude oil (MichaelBurov); linear laser squares; liquid level sensor
abbr., physiol., med. Long leg splint
abbr., space launch and landing site; lunar landing simulator; lunar logistics system
ecol. low level solid waste
mil. label logistics system; laser light source; laser line scanner; low-level sensor; low-level strike
mil., navy, abbr. large landing ship
tech. laser line scanning; low-level solid
LLs abbr.
abbr., O&G shallow Laterolog (MichaelBurov)
O&G LateroLog shallow (glenfoo)
: 8 phrases in 4 subjects
Nuclear physics2
Oil / petroleum4