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SDT abbr.stresses
Gruzovik, mil. обнаружение и сопровождение объектов в космическом пространстве (space detection and tracking)
O&G Прибор регистрации акустических параметров в цифровой форме (Johnny Bravo)
O&G, sakh. методы статического прогиба; цифровой акустический каротаж (digital sonic log); ЦАК (digital sonic log)
progr. таблица описания служб (сокр. от Service Description Table; см. ГОСТ Р 54456-2011 ssn)
psychol. теория самодетерминации (soulveig)
 English thesaurus
SDT abbr.
abbr. Specially Designated Terrorist; Shipper Declaration for the Transport of Dangerous Goods (FIATA form); Software Development Tools; Source Data Terminal; Start Data Traffic (Vosoni); Synchronous Data Transport; Systems Development Tool; segment descriptor table (ssn); sequential decision tree (ssn); shallow draft tug (Johnny Bravo); static debugger trap; structured data transfer; syntax-directed translation
abbr., anim.husb. Society of Dairy Technology
abbr., avia. Saidu Sharif, Pakistan; short data transfer; simplified documentation team; sanding fixture; simulated data tape; software development tape; speedy drill template; step down transformer; structure decision table; structural development test; structural dynamic test article
abbr., avia., med. signal detection theory
abbr., busin. short dry tons
abbr., commer. special and differential treatment
abbr., earth.sc. sector development team (IDWSSD)
abbr., ed. Show Don't Tell
abbr., el. scientific distribution technique; second dial tone; serial data transmission; service data table; software design tool; software development tool; software development toolkit; special dial tone; sputter deposition technique; structured data transfer mode; structured design tool; surface damage threshold; synchronous digital transmission; system diagnostic test; system down time; signal-detection theory
abbr., electr.eng. step-down transformer
abbr., IT SmartDraw template; Stonefield Database Toolkit; service description table
abbr., med. Right Sacrotransverse (fetal Position, Lat. Sacrodextra Transversa); Slow Dissolve Tablet; serial dot test (ННатальЯ); sexually transmitted disease; spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda
abbr., mil. Signal Detection Theory; Software Development Test; Ship Detection and Tracking; shock-to-detonation transition
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. digital sonic log; sonic digital tool
abbr., oil sonic differential time; sea depth transducer
abbr., progr. Service Description Table (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Sdl Design Tool
abbr., radio single diode-triode
abbr., refrig. saturated discharge temperature
abbr., scottish Shipboard Data Terminal (USA); Special Duties, Temporary; Strategic Defense Triad (USA); System Development Tool
abbr., space space detection and tracking; structural dynamic test
abbr., sport. San Diego Tekken
abbr., textile simultaneously draw-textured
abbr., tradem. Security Dynamics Technologies
mil. self-destroying tracer; shipboard data terminal; strategic defense triad; surveillance data transmission; system dynamic tester
tech. slowing down time
SDT -- abbr.
abbr. sonic digital tool
SDT 1: 5 phrases in 1 subject