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IgG nstresses
biol. иммуноглобулин класса G (Alex Lilo)
immunol. иммуноглобулин G
igg adj.
slang игнорировать; отказываться замечать
 English thesaurus
IGG abbr.
abbr. The Inspector General Of Government; Inter-Governmental Conference
abbr., avia. Igiugig, Alaska USA
abbr., earth.sc. A.N. Zavaritskii Institute of Geology and Geochemistry; Institute of Geology and Geophysics
abbr., el. interactive geometry modeling and grid generation system
abbr., inet. It's Going Gone
abbr., oil Inert gas generator (SvetlanaKE)
IgG abbr.
abbr., immunol. IgG
abbr., med. immunoglobulin G
abbr., physiol. Immunoglobulin G
IGGS abbr.
abbr., avia. inert gas generation system
abbr., genet. immunoglobulin gene superfamily
abbr., mil., avia. inertial gravitational guidance system
IGGs abbr.
abbr., org.name. Intergovernmental Groups on Commodities
IgG мыши, конъюгированные с HRP: 2 phrases in 2 subjects