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 English thesaurus
WMS abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. western mediterranean sea; West Moisture Source
abbr., oil water-content monitoring device; well magneto-stratigraphic sequence; well management system; wellhead maintenance system; work measurement sampling
WM abbr.
abbr. CSX Transportation Incorporated; Warehouse Manager; Windows Media; warming; wire mesh; wavelength modulation
abbr., alum. West Management
abbr., automat. wheel motor
abbr., avia. Wiring Manual; weather minimum; wiring diagram manual; work management
abbr., busin. washing machine
abbr., cartogr. water mark
abbr., earth.sc. waste management; watt-meter; weight of measurement; wetland meadow; whistler-mode waves; wüstite-magnetite
abbr., econ. without margin
abbr., el. window message; wireless meeting; wireline modem; word mark; working memory; workload manager
abbr., file.ext. Work Mark
abbr., med. Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia; Wed Medani; whole milk; white male (13.05)
abbr., mil., avia. water meter
abbr., mil., WMD wattmeter
abbr., oil mud density; wellhead module; wellbay module; wall mount (cabinet); wavemeter; welding memorandum; white metal; window mill
abbr., oncol. Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinaemia
abbr., scottish Winchester Magnum
abbr., shipb. water-meter
abbr., space water/methanol; weak mixture; write memory
abbr., tech. weld metal
abbr., textile washed measurement
abbr., UN working months
energ.ind., abbr. watt-hour meter; watthour meter; Wilhelmy method; working material
mil. war material
mil., abbr. war medal; war memorial; weapons mechanic; weather map; weight or measurement; woman marine; work measurement
tech. wave meter
tech., abbr. words per minute
wm abbr.
agric. wilting moisture
O&G mud weight
Wm abbr.
abbr. wattmetre
insur. Watermark
Wm. abbr.
abbr. William
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects