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Mlu | DNA
agric. 复制; 卫星发生; 合成
anim.husb. 聚合酶; 序列资料库
dermat. 抗体
environ. 去氧核糖核酸
nurs. 文库; 探针
oil 脱氧核糖核酸
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MLU abbr.
abbr. Minimum Living Unit; Mirror Lock Up; Micrococcus leteus
abbr., auto. model line-up
abbr., avia. Monroe, Louisiana USA; miscellaneous live unit; monitor and logic unit
abbr., brit. midwife-led unit (fddhhdot)
abbr., ed. Mobile Learning Unit; Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg (Галле-Виттенбергский университет имени Мартина Лютера ННатальЯ)
abbr., el. majority logic unit; memory logic unit
abbr., media. Mobile Location Unit
abbr., mil., avia. memory load unit
abbr., oil mud logging unit
abbr., physiol., med. Mean Length of Utterance
abbr., psychol. mean length of utterance (Lena Nolte)
abbr., relig. Modern Literal Version
abbr., scottish Mid-Life Update / Upgrade; Monitor & Logic Unit
abbr., tech. Mid-Life Upgrade (smovas)
mil. mid-life update; mobile laundry unit
Mlu DNA 聚合
: 2 phrases in 1 subject