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MIPS [mɪps] abbr.
abbr. Material Input Per Service; Material Intensity Per Service; Million Of Instructions Per Second; MIPS Technologies, Inc.; Model Indian Parliamentary Session; Multiband Imaging Photometer for Sirtf; Microprocessor without Interlocked Piped Stages; monthly income preferred securities
abbr., AI. MIPS (megainstructions per second, Millionen Instruktionen je Sekunde)
abbr., avia. maintenance information and planning system
abbr., commer. Modified Integrated Program Summary (Army)
abbr., comp., IT Microprocessor without Interlocking Pipeline Stages; Million Instruction Per Second
abbr., comp., net. million of instructions per second
abbr., econ. material input per unit service
abbr., el. mega-instructions per second; microprocessor without interlocked pipeline stages; minimum ionizing particles; multiband imaging photometer
abbr., IT Meaningless Indicator Of Processor Speed; Memory Intensive Primary Storage; Millions Of Instructions Per Second; Master Production Schedule
abbr., med. Martinsried Institute Of Protein Sequences; Munich Information Center For Protein Sequences; Medical Interoperability Portfolio Standards
abbr., med.appl. medically isolated power supply (harser)
abbr., mil. Million Instructions Per Second; Millions of Instructions Per Second
abbr., mil., avia. metal-insulator-piezoelectric semiconductor
abbr., progr., IT Mobile International Power Supply
abbr., scottish Medium Integrated Propulsion System (USA)
abbr., securit. monthly income preferred security
abbr., sport. Multi-directional Impact Protection System (Yerkwantai)
abbr., transp. Mathematical Investigation Of Pitch Systems
mil. Marine integrated personnel system; military information processing system; missile impact prediction set; missile information processing system; modular integrated pallet system
tech. master inspection planning system; metal-insulator-piezoelectric semiconductor; microwave pulse storage subsystem; minimum inventory production system; MSR image processing system
MiPS [mɪps] abbr.
abbr. Microwave Pulse Storage system (USA)
Mips [mɪps] abbr.
abbr. million instructions per second (data processing)
MIPS [mɪps] abbr.
abbr. metal-insulator-piesoelectric semiconductor
abbr., earth.sc. map and image processing system; multi-image processing system; multispectral image processing system
abbr., space a million instruction per second; maintenance information planning system; missile impact prediction system; MSS image processing system
MIPS 基准 测试程
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Information technology1