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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
gee [ʤi:] n
gen. 英语字母 G; 1000 元; ; 家伙; ; Gee, GEE "奇异"无线电导航系统英国的双曲线导航系统; 雷达信号
 English thesaurus
GEE [ʤi:] abbr.
abbr., el. geoelectric effect; graphics editing engine
abbr., O&G, sakh. GosComEkologiya expert review (expertise)
abbr., scottish Ground Exploration System
abbr., stat. generalized estimating equations (ННатальЯ); generalised estimating equations
mil. general evaluation equipment
tech. ground electronics engineering; ground environment equipment
gee [ʤi:] abbr.
abbr. ground electronics engineering system GEE (system)
O&G, sakh. GosKomEkologiyaExpertiza
gees n
gen. jees (South African slang, derived from "jesus". Has many uses: a. when exasperated; b. in defense; c. when expressing disbelief, surprise, amazement Taras)
GEES abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. gulf energy and environmental systems
Gee [ʤi:] abbr.
abbr., slang Jesus
GEE [ʤi:] abbr.
abbr. ground electronics engineering system GEE; GEE system
GEE 导航 系
: 12 phrases in 5 subjects
Air defense2
Animal husbandry1
Textile industry4