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ATN abbr.
abbr. advanced TIROS-N; Astrogeophysical Teletype Network; attention line
abbr., avia. Namatanai, Papua New Guinea; Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (MichaelBurov); aeronautical telecommunication network; Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (MichaelBurov); administrative tracking number
abbr., busin. afternoon
abbr., data.prot. adversarial transformation network (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., earth.sc. advanced TIROS-N meteorological satellite; astrogeophysical transmission network
abbr., el. attention; automated test network
abbr., immunol. acute tubular necrosis
abbr., IT augmented transition network
abbr., law Arrest Tracking Number (casetext.com Ying)
abbr., med. Acute Tubular Necrosis; AIDS Treatment News
abbr., mil. Astrophysical Teletype Network; assign thresholds
abbr., mil., avia. adaptive tactical navigation
abbr., oil authority to negotiate (serz); actual test number
abbr., physiol., med. Acute tubular necrosis
abbr., space ancillary terrestrial network
abbr., st.exch. Action Performance Companies
abbr., transp. Aeronautical Telecommunications Network
AtN abbr.
abbr., mil. attack the network
ATN: 3 phrases in 3 subjects
Wind Energy1