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ult. abbr.
abbr., busin. ultimo
abbr., earth.sc. ultra
polym. ultimate
ult [elt] abbr.
abbr. ultimate
ULT [elt] abbr.
abbr., auto. ultra light truck
abbr., el. uniform low-frequency technique; unsigned less than
abbr., el., mech. upper limiting connector temperature
abbr., file.ext. Music format (UltraTracker Module Vosoni)
abbr., inet. Uh Like That
abbr., IT UltraTracker Music file; User Level Thread
abbr., mil. ULTimate
abbr., nautic., scient. Ultra- Low Temperature
abbr., oil ultra-high temperature
abbr., pharma. urate lowering therapy (susana2267)
abbr., refrig. ultralow temperature
abbr., relig. United Lodge of Theosophists
tech. in the last month; ultra-low temperature; uniform low frequency technique; universal link terminal
Ult. abbr.
abbr. ultimative
insur. Ultimatum
lat. Ultimo ("last day", "last month", "last year")