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psia abbr.
abbr., auto. psi absolute
mining. pound per square inch abr solute
O&G, sakh.a. ponds per square inch, absolute
polym. pounds per square inch absolute
PSIA abbr.
abbr. Pounds Per Square Inch, Absolute
abbr., bank. Profit-sharing investment account (Аббревиатура из области исламских финансов. Источник: глоссарий аббревиатур стандарта "IFSB-12. Guiding Principles on Liquidity Risk Management for Institutions Offering Islamic Financial Services [Excluding Islamic Insurance (Takaful) Institutions and Islamic Collective Investment Schemes]". A. Bakrayev)
abbr., fin. poverty and social impact assessment
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. pounds per square inch, absolute
abbr., org.name. Poverty and Social Impact Analysis
abbr., transp. Pressure Absolute
Psia abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. pounds per square inch of area