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pc abbr.
abbr. parachute; package; per cent; percentage; postcard; price; priced catalogue; prices current
abbr., astr. parsec (MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. prices
abbr., med. PC Posterior chamber of eye
abbr., mil., air.def. picocurie
agric. percent
astr. parsec
econ. payment in cash
meteorol. partly cloudy (Val_Ships)
O&G pseudocritical
polym. piece
pc. abbr.
abbr., busin. piece
PC abbr.
gen. personal computer2; personal computer3
abbr. position currency (slitely_mad); personal communicator (oVoD); personal conferencing; phase corrector; Pacific Coast Railroad Co.; paper core cable; Polymer Corp.; Process Corp.; programme counter; personal computer; Paper Copy; Per Capita; Planning And Control; Postal Code; Production Company; Professional Corporation; Political Committee; Consolidated Rail Corporation; Piece (e.g., "2pc" means the auction comes with two total units); II PROVIDE COMFORT II; P C Holdings, S. A.; Pacific Crest; Painless Computing; Panama City, Florida; Paper Carrier; Parallel Computing; Partial Conversion; Partial Credit; Pass Certified; Pass The Corona; Passenger Car; Past Caring; Path Control; Patres Conscripti; Patrol Coastal; Paul's Chips; Paying Customer; PCA Electronics; Peace Corps; Peaceful Coexistance; Pearl Cotton; photo credit (ART Vancouver); Penn Charter; Pepper Canyon; PerCent; PerCentage; Perfect Computer; Perfect Corner; Perfect For Child; Perfectly Comfortable; Perfectly Complex; Perfectly Created; Perforated Cranium; Peripheral Clarity; Persecuted Christian; Person Contacted; Personal Call; Personal Cause; Personal Cluster; Personal Confuser; Personal Consultant; Personal Copier; Personally Configured; Personally Corrupt; Personally Crafted; Pervasive Computing; Pet Chihuahua; Phrase Command; Physical Containment; Physically Challenged; Piece Of Crap; Pine Creek; pitch circle; Pitch Class; Plain Courtesy; Planetary Contrast; Plant Corn; Plastic Computer; Platina Cards; Player Character; Player Character see , Role-playing >; Player Characteristic; Player Coach; plug cock; Pocket Computer; Poetic Chap; point of curve; Polar Cycloaddition; police constable; Polite And Courteous; Polyphonic Collection; Pomona College; Poncey Crap; Pony Club; Poor Communication; Poor Connection; Population Connection; Population Council; Pork Chops; Post Card; Post Cibum (after meals); Postal Clerk; Posterior Cervical; Power Compact; Power Converter; Pre Christ; Pre-emphasis Circuits; Precedents Committee; Precious Cargo; Premier Casting; Present Complaint; Presidential Classroom; Presidents Council; Pretentious Crap; Pretty Chancy; Pretty Cheap; Pretty Clever; Pretty Crappy; Pretty Cute; prime costs (Vosoni); Primitive Cell; Prince Charming; Priority Control; Prism Card; Privatization And Cuts; Privileged Character; Privy Council; privy councillor (Vosoni); Privy Counsellor; Proactive Computing; Processor Control; Procurement Command; Product Closure; Production Capability; Production Cup; Profit Choice; Profitability Constraint; Program Camera; Program Council; Programmable Calculator; Programme Committee; Progressive Conservative; Progressive Conservative party (Canada); Prompt Care; Proof Checker; Propylene Carbonate; Protocol Control; Provide Comfort; Providence College; Public Citizen; Punt Center; Purchase Constantly; Pushy Chick; PerCent; PerCentage; plant clearance; precooler; price channel
abbr., agric. post challenge; prime cost
abbr., anim.husb. polyclonal
abbr., auto. parts cleaner; prechamber
abbr., auto.ctrl. state controller (регулятор состояния ssn); SC (регулятор состояния ssn)
abbr., automat. plug control
abbr., avia. parts control; phase check; physical characteristics; product conformance; production change; production configuration; prototype configuration; pieces; control pressure; park controller; part codes; parts and components; part number; packing card; part card; passenger cabin; patent committee; patrol car; percent complete; performance chart; periodical calibration; perspective center; pilot's cockpit; pitch computer; plane change; plaster cast; power controllers; power conversion; prearranged coordination; preprocessor control; pressure capsule; pressurized cabin; primary combustion; procedure control; process capability; process certificate; process change; process condition; product commencement; producing capability; producing cost; product certificate; product conformity; production certificate FAA FAA; production code; production costs; profile cutter; program coder; progress control; projection center; proportioning controller; proposed change; propulsion coefficient; protective cover; purchase contract; purchase control
abbr., avia., med. near point of convergence
abbr., bank. processing centre (igisheva)
abbr., biochem. phosphatidylcholine (Игорь_2006)
abbr., biotechn. Pockels cell (Altuntash)
abbr., BrE Pay Corps; Paymaster-in-Chief; Pharmacy Corps; Police Corps; principal chaplain
abbr., busin. particular charges; pay center; payment center; port charges; port of call; post-card; postal card; post code; preliminary commitment; presumptive clause; Price current; private car; private cargo; producers and consumers; public charter; request for confirmation of delivery
abbr., cartogr. pilotage chart; point of curvature
abbr., cem. plain cement (MichaelBurov); straight cement (MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem. phthalein complexon; pipecoline (methyl piperidine)
abbr., CNC Proportional Controller
abbr., commer. parts catalogue; price catalogue
abbr., commun. print queue; parallel port; Personnel Computer
abbr., comp. print command; print cycle; Windows computer (Artjaazz)
abbr., construct. pedestal crane (serrgio); pre-tensioned concrete (lascar)
abbr., cosmet. personal cosmetics (bigmaxus); Philtral Columns (ННатальЯ)
abbr., crim.law. penal code (igisheva)
abbr., dat.proc. printed circuit
abbr., earth.sc. Panama Canal; paper chromatogram; paper chromatograph; particulate carbon; partition coefficient; Payment Committee; Pearson Curve Method; pelagic clay; percent of correct; Permanent Committee; picture compiler; planning commission; plant cover; plasma chromatograph; plastic concrete; plate count; polarisation curve; porphyroclastic; Post Christ; potential contamination; present crater; prestressing concrete; protection capacity; pumice concrete
abbr., econ. paid cash; planned cost; private contract; production cost; policy content
abbr., ed. performance criteria (sheetikoff)
abbr., el. polycarbonate (substrate); printed circuit; process production control; paging channel; paging control (channel); parametric conversion; parity checking; partial coherence; partially coherent; path controller; peg count; pen computer; perceptual coding; peripheral controller; permeance coefficient; phase-change; phase coherence; phase coherent; phase compensator; phase conjugate (wave); phase correction; photocapacitance; photoconductivity; photocurrent; photon counter; physical-contact (connector); picture cell; picture coding; pilot carrier; plugboard controlled; pocket calculator; point code; point contact; polarity coefficient; polarization controller; Policy Committee; polycrystalline; portable computer; port control; positive contact; power component; power consumption; powerful chip; prebuilt component; preclear; prediction criterion; predictive coding; presentation component; printer controller; priority classification; prism coupler; privacy check; private code; production center; program call; program communication; programming change; protocol capability; protocol controller; protocol conversion; pseudocapacitor; pseudo-code; pulse communication; pulse comparator; processing computer; pin control
abbr., el., scient. Powder Coating
abbr., electr.eng. peaking capacity; phase control; power contactor; pulsating current; pulverized coal
abbr., file.ext. Parametric Cubic; Processor Controller; Program Computer; Punch Card; Text file containing IBM PC specific info
abbr., fin. Pension Committee; performance criterion
abbr., fishery productivity of capital
abbr., food.serv. phosphocreatine
abbr., genet. positive component
abbr., geol., scient. Pacific Coast
abbr., inet. Post A Comment; Pretty Cool
abbr., IT personal communication; Personal Communications; Personal Computing; Program Counter; DOS personal computer disk operating system; parameter checkout; photocell; primary cache; processing complexity; program check; programmable controller; pulse code; pulse controller; punched card; puncher; Plug Compatible
abbr., lab.eq. Packed red blood Cells; Placebo Controlled
abbr., labor.org. process chart (igisheva)
abbr., law protective custody (Taras)
abbr., logist. physical cases (кейсы, ящики, контейнеры kotechek)
abbr., Makarov. phase comparator; programmable control; programming center
abbr., med. After Meals; Packed Cells; Parent Cell; Penile Carcinoma; Peritoneal Cell; Plasma Cells; plasma cell (ННатальЯ); prenylcysteine (ННатальЯ); primary cell (nilb0g); post cibum (после еды Баян); posterior capsule of eye; prior chemotherapy; microprogrammable computer; near point of convergence; palmitoyl carnitine; parent to child; phosphatidyl choline; phosphoryl choline; pneumotaxic center; portal cirrhosis; pulmonary contusion; paramyotonia congenita; PtdCho
abbr., met. pair crossed; pair cross
abbr., mil. Personal Computer; purchasing and contracting; patrol cap (slitely_mad); pilot in command; preliminary coordination; Principals Committee; Political Commitee
abbr., mil., avia. Pacific region
abbr., mil., WMD Project coordinator
abbr., nautic. Period of Charter
abbr., O&G performance contract (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, casp. permit coordinator (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Pressure control; processing center
abbr., oil intercrystalline porosity; Pacific Islands; packed capillary columns; phenylacetonitrile; Paint Creek; parallel completion; percentage; perforated casing; perpendicular canals; Peterson Coil; petroleum carboxylate; phase change; phase cut; phenocryst; photoclinometer log; photoelectric cell; pico-coulomb; pico-curie; pipe center; pipe connection; pitting corrosion; plagioclase; point of contact; poker chipped; polar continental; polycarbosilane; polymer chemistry; port collar; potential corrosively; Precambrian; Precarboniferous; preheating chamber; principle curvature; prismatic coefficient; private communication; process controller; prograding complex; progressive cavity; proposed category; proppant concentration; protoclastic; pump column; purchase card; pyrocatechol; photoclinometer
abbr., oncol. peritoneal carcinomatosis (канцероматоз брюшины doc090); Pancreas Cancer
abbr., oncol., med. Prostate Cancer
abbr., opt. photoconductive
abbr., PCB production capable (Метран)
abbr., pest.contr. gel or paste concentrate
abbr., pharma. Positive control (Положительный контроль Jane86)
abbr., phys. photocathode
abbr., physiol. ParaCortical hyperplasia; Phone Call; Post Consumption After Meals; Post-Coital; Pulmonary Capillary; Purkinje Cell
abbr., physiol., med. Phone call
abbr., plast. Polycarbonate
abbr., police passion crime (Val_Ships); police chief (Val_Ships); Probable Cause
abbr., polit. politically correct (политкорректный Val_Ships); political correctness (политкорректность Val_Ships); Pitcairn Islands
abbr., polym. polychloroprene; post-chlorinated; potential corrosivity; pressure controller
abbr., qual.cont. parameter check-out
abbr., radio padding condenser; provisional center
abbr., scottish type abbreviation Patrol craft; Patrol Craft (River; R); Patrol Craft, Fast (USA; F); Physical Conditioning; Platoon Commander; Postal & Courier; Pulse Compression
abbr., securit. participation certificates
abbr., shipb. port craft
abbr., silic. photochromic; portland cement
abbr., sociol. political correctness (Andrey Truhachev)
abbr., space pitch control; planar computer; pseudo code
abbr., sport. penalty corner; press centre
abbr., tech. pleasure craft; primary coolant; precast concrete
abbr., telecom. position call
abbr., textile port capacity; port clearance; profit commission; provisory clause; purchase confirmation
abbr., typogr. photostatic copy
chem. potential controller
energ.ind. packing coefficient; particle concentration; particulate control; plasma confinement; pollution control; power circuit; prestressed concrete; primary containment; principal component; product cost; programable controller
invest. participation certificate; petty cash
meteorol. continental polar air; plotting charts; pressure coefficient
mil. pack code; panoramic camera; paralyzing concentration; parts catalog; past commander; patrol carrier; patrol commander; patrol craft; pay clerk; performance code; personnel carrier; plane captain; plane commander; port call; post commander; power control; predictor control; primary center; procurement coordinator; production control; program change; program control; programmed check; project code; project control; project coordination; projector charge; prophylactic center; prototype concept; pseudocode
mil., abbr. positive control
O&G process condensate
railw. passenger, Parlor or chair car
tech. current price; paper chromatography; parity check; parity control; partly cash; pay card; protective coating; perfectly conducting; peripheral controller; personal correction; phase center; photo-cathode; photoconductor; plant computer; plasma chromatography; polar crane; polymer concrete; power center; pressure chamber; prime contractor; private circuit; process computer; process control; process controller; production certificate; professional communication; program console; program coordinator; program costs; project charter; proportional counter; propulsive coefficient; protective clothing; pulse counter
Pc abbr.
abbr. capillary pressure; casing pressure; compaction pressure; critical pressure
abbr., busin. penicillin
abbr., earth.sc. clay particles; phenocrysts; picrites; picrochromite; pre-carboniferous
abbr., geophys. capillary pressure (MichaelBurov)
abbr., mil. cumulative probability of detection
abbr., tech. cumulative probability of destruction
energ.ind. combustor pressure; power input to compressor
Pc. abbr.
abbr., commer. price
abbr., earth.sc. Precambrian
pC abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. picocoulomb
μPC abbr.
abbr., el. microprogram counter
PC. abbr.
abbr. prime cost
pcs. abbr.
abbr., econ. piece (s)
PCscanner abbr.
abbr., med. paper-chromatogram
: 2 phrases in 1 subject